

[E] ポスター発表

セッション記号 H (地球人間圏科学) » H-TT 計測技術・研究手法

[H-TT21] 石造文化財に応用可能な非破壊分析

2019年5月29日(水) 17:15 〜 18:30 ポスター会場 (幕張メッセ国際展示場 8ホール)

コンビーナ:小口 千明(埼玉大学大学院理工学研究科)、Celine Elise Thomachot-Schneider(Groupe d'etude des environnements naturels, anthropiques et archeologiques - Universite de Reims-Champagne-Ardenne (France))、宋 苑瑞(早稲田大学)、Miguel Gomez-Heras(Universidad Autonoma de Madrid)

[HTT21-P02] Non-destructive field measurement for investigation of deteriorated parts of an artificial cave

坂根 海征1、*小口 千明1田村 裕彦2 (1.埼玉大学大学院理工学研究科、2.田谷の洞窟保存実行委員会 )

キーワード:Taya Cave、Silver Schmidt Test、Ultrasonic Rate

Non-destructive measurements are useful methods for evaluating weathering degree without any damage on geoarchaeological sites. The present study aims to extract the deteriorated parts by using Silver Schmidt hammer and ultrasonic measurement on the Taya cave in Yokohama city. It is a manmade cave excavated from Kamakura to late Edo periods. Many sculptures and reliefs were carved on the surface of the cave wall made of soft rock. The cave has a complex three-layer structure with a total length of 570 m. Firstly, distribution maps showing cracks and exfoliation parts were created. Then, the points showing low rebound values and slow ultrasonic rates were plotted on the same map. After these on-site measurements, many dangerous parts were turned out within the worship route.