[MIS14-P05] Feeding habit of the Antarctic amphipod Themisto gaudichaudiiof Vincennes Bay (East Antarctica) during austral summer
Keywords:The Southern Ocean, Macrozooplankton, Amphipod
Amphipods are key components of macrozooplankton to link lower trophic levels to higher predators in the krill-independent food web in the Southern Ocean (SO). The carnivorous amphipod Themisto gaudichaudii, widely distributed in SO, is an opportunistic predator. They are known to feed on copepods, euphausiids, salps and various zooplankton in the Atlantic Ocean sector, while their food habits are poorly known in the Indian Ocean sector. This study analyzed gut contents of T. gaudichaudii collected along the 110°E transect in SO in January 2019 to clarify food habit of T. gaudichaudii. Fecal pellet obtained from onboard experiment were supplementary used to verify the estimated food habit. We’ll preliminary demonstrate here the food web related to T. gaudichaudii in the Indian Ocean sector during austral summer.