[PEM17-P01] PIC Simulation on nonlinear development of lower-hybrid instabilities driven by energetic ions.
Keywords:lower-hybrid instabilities, ion-cyclotron emissions, non-linear development, Particle-In-Cell simulation
Using a one-dimensional, electromagnetic, Particle-In-Cell (PIC) code, we study instabilities driven by energetic ions assuming that the energetic ions have a non-Maxwellian ring-like distribution in the velocity space perpendicular to the magnetic field. This PIC code enables us to self-consistently simulate full dynamics of electrons and ions and evolution of electromagnetic fields, using the full Maxwell's equations and the equations of motion of particles. We focus on the nonlinear evolution of LHW and ICEs caused by continuous energetic-ion injection into a plasma.
The simulation results are as follows. After the rapid growth of the LHW in the early stage, the ICEs gradually become intense. Finally, the ICEs have larger amplitudes than LHW.