

[J] ポスター発表

セッション記号 S (固体地球科学) » S-VC 火山学

[S-VC38] 活動的火山

2019年5月27日(月) 17:15 〜 18:30 ポスター会場 (幕張メッセ国際展示場 8ホール)

コンビーナ:前田 裕太(名古屋大学)、三輪 学央(防災科学技術研究所)、西村 太志(東北大学大学院理学研究科地球物理学専攻)

[SVC38-P40] Seismic refraction and wide-angle reflection experiment in southern Kyushu, Japan: (3) the 2018 exploration report

*宮町 宏樹1高橋 浩晃2青山 裕2大園 真子2椎名 高裕6髙田 真秀2一柳 昌義2山口 照寛2薄田 悠樹2齊藤 一真2伊藤 ちひろ2村井 芳夫2中垣 達也2筒井 智樹3竹井 瑠一3多田 悠也3山本 希4平原 聡4中山 貴史4東 龍介4鈴木 秀市4佐藤 利典5蔵下 英司6安藤 美和子6田中 伸一6池澤 賢志6山田 知朗6中東 和夫7前田 裕太8堀川 信一郎8松廣 健二郎8奥田 隆8辻 修平8十川 直樹8片尾 浩9澁谷 拓郎9三浦 勉9中川 潤9米田 格9為栗 健9瀧下 恒星9仲井 一穂9山下 裕亮9松島 健10内田 和也10宮町 凛太郎10八木原 寛1平野 舟一郎1久保 武史1坂尾 健有1 (1.鹿児島大学大学院理工学研究科、2.北海道大学大学院理学研究院、3.秋田大学国際資源学部、4.東北大学大学院理学研究科、5.千葉大学大学院理学研究院、6.東京大学地震研究所、7.東京海洋大学学術研究院、8.名古屋大学大学院環境学研究科、9.京都大学防災研究所、10.九州大学大学院理学研究院)


[1] Primary Objective
Southern Kyushu is a typical island arc region: subduction of Philippine Sea plate under Kyushu off Hyuganada with high seismic activity, the Aira caldera with active volcanic activity, the extending Okinawa trough, and the East China Sea. Our project is aimed at clarifying the detailed velocity structure of the crust beneath southern Kyushu and recognizing interactions with crustal activities in these regions.
It is also concerned about the occurrence of large-scale eruptions at the Aira caldera larger than the 1914 Taisho eruption in Sakurajima volcano. Accordingly, we also intend to reveal the caldera structure of the Aira caldera in order to deepen the understanding of the present magma supply system beneath the Aira caldera.
This reports an outline of the second seismic exploration carried out in November 2018.

[2] Report of Seismic Exploration in 2018
For our purpose mentioned above, we carried out the first seismic exploration in November 2017, which consists of 9 shot points with charges of about 200 kg dynamite in the land area and 906 temporary seismic stations including 42 OBSs along about 165 km long profile running transversely across the Osumi Peninsula, the central part of the Aira caldera, the Satsuma Peninsula, the Koshiki Strait and the Koshiki Islands.
The second seismic exploration was carried out in November 2018. In this 2018 exploration, 872 temporary seismic stations were deployed along the 2017 seismic main profile. The equipment at each station is same as that in 2017. In addition, we widely deployed 49 seismic temporary stations with a 4.5 Hz three components seismometerand a portable data logger ”GSX” in Sakurajima volcano in order to estimate the 3-D velocity structure beneath the volcano.
In the 2018 exploration, artificial explosions by the seismic air-gun blasting system(6000 cubic inches) were applied at 50m or 100m intervals along the sea profiles (Profile-B, Profile-D, Profile-F, Profile-H). We successfully observed the seismic refraction and reflection signals generated from the air-gun in a distance range of more than 20 km. We also introduced 4 big vibrator vehicles in the land area, which vibrates continuously during about 4 hours at the fixed locations. In addition, we carried out the seismic reflection profiling with 5 km long profile in the northeastern area in Sakurajima volcano.

Acknowledgement : This project is mainly funded by the Kyushu Electric Power Co., Inc. The JGI Inc. conducted the artificial explosions, and the Hanshin Consultants Co., Ltd shared a part of the temporary seismic observation.