

[J] 口頭発表

セッション記号 G (教育・アウトリーチ) » 教育・アウトリーチ

[G-02] 地球惑星科学のアウトリーチ

2019年5月26日(日) 09:00 〜 10:30 103 (1F)

コンビーナ:植木 岳雪(千葉科学大学危機管理学部)、小森 次郎(帝京平成大学)、長谷川 直子(お茶の水女子大学)、大木 聖子(慶應義塾大学 環境情報学部)、座長:大木 聖子

09:15 〜 09:30

[G02-02] 博物館展示による地理的・考古学的思考の普及:3Dモデルを用いた実践例

*早川 裕弌1,2安芸 早穂子2 (1.北海道大学地球環境科学研究院、2.東京大学空間情報科学研究センター)


The way of thinking in geography and archaeology are sometimes similar to each other in that they comprise both the spatial and temporal contexts. Geography is more spatial-oriented, while archaeology is more temporal-oriented. The outreaching collaboration of geography and archaeology would, therefore, be effective in developing the ability of thinking in a spatiotemporal context. Such the collaboration of geography and archaeology can be presented in a museum exhibition. Although the number of museums specifically designed for geography is limited in Japan, there are numerous archeological museums in which geographical contents can also be included. Here we discuss the effects of a museum exhibition on the dissemination of geographical and archaeological thinking by their collaborative works. In particular, three-dimensional models of landforms and landscapes are utilized to promote the geographical and archaeological thinking for the visitors. The case studies include several museum exhibitions in Aomori, Fukushima, Nagano, and Kyoto Prefectures, each of which showed different appearances of the exhibitions. The approaches using 3D models were supposed to be informative directly letting the visitors feel and think the geographical and archaeological contexts behind the models.