1:45 PM - 2:15 PM
[HRE16-06] Development of nano-fabrication and high-resolution electron microscopy techniques: their possible applications to resource geology
★Invited Papers
Keywords:microanalysis, Transmission electron microscopy, Focused ion beam
One of uniqueness of the FIB/TEM laboratory at KOCHI is a combined FIB-FESEM instrument equipped with an energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS) and a cryo-holder system [5]. We are currently developing a FIB-fabrication scheme of fluid inclusions in minerals such as olivine and halite, so that those fluids are exposed in frozen state for their in-situ chemical analysis including X-ray elemental mapping using EDS [6]. 3D tomography by micro X-ray CT is effective to visualize distribution of fluid inclusions especially in nontransparent minerals prior to nanofabrication and analysis by the FIB-FESEM system.
The nanoscale occurrence of fluid (as voids) and mineral inclusions can be further characterized by high-resolution TEM. This technique would be useful for mineralogical analysis of fine-grained resource materials such as deep-sea mud containing abundant rare-earth elements [7] and manganese deposits. As a typical example, we have mineralogically characterized several-micron-sized Mn-rich microparticles recently discovered in seafloor sediments, and found vernadite-like mineral therein based on their electron diffraction patterns and elemental mappings [8]. We are further developing the linkage fabrication/analysis scheme to extend toward more comprehensive sample analysis including trace elemental and isotopic analyses using NanoSIMS [9]. These microanalysis techniques would play a key role for our better understanding of environments for the formation of resource materials.
References: [1] Ijiri et al. (2018) Front. Earth. Sci.,doi.org/10.3389/feart.2018.00036. [2] Shiraishi et al. (2017) Sci. Rep., 7, 11805. [3] Yamamoto et al. (2017) Phys. Chem. Minerals., 44, 247. [4] Tomioka & Okuchi (2017)Sci. Rep., 17351. [5] Kodama et al. (2019) (submitted) [6] Kodama et al. (2019) JpGU [7] Takaya et al. (2018) Sci. Rep., 8, 5763. [8] Uramoto et al. (2019)Nature Comm.(in press)[9] Ito et al. (2017) LPSC, XLVIII, #1776.