*Atsushi Higuchi1,3, Koichi Toyoshima1, Hitoshi Hirose1, Hideaki Takenaka2,1
(1.Center for Environmental Remote Sensing (CEReS), Chiba University, Japan, 2.EORC, JAXA, 3.NICT)
Keywords: Geostationary meteorological satellites, Environmental studies
Geostationary satellites, such as well-known Himawari and GOES series, have advantages to capture the surface and the atmospheric status by relatively high-frequent scanning. Himawari-8/9 (Bessho et al., 2016) and GOES-R (Schmit et al., 2017) and GOES-S called as the third- generation geostationary satellites (3rd GEO) of which have capabilities of more-highly temporal scanning intervals (10 min. or 15min. in Full-Disk scan mode, 2.5 min. or 1 min. over target regions) with improved multiple spectral bands (16 bands). We will demonstrate possibility and capabilities by the utilizations of 3rd GEO data through our research and outreach activities, and we will show several research results through the open data policy of 3rd GEO. In addition, we will discuss potential and limitations for the acceleration of open science and contributions for the society.
References: Bessho et al., (2016): JMSJ, 94 (2), 151-183; Schmit et al., (2017): BAMS, 98, 681-698.