9:55 AM - 10:10 AM
[MIS07-09] Theoretical search for photosynthetic pigments applicable around low temperature stars: Modulation of physical-chemical properties by central metals
Keywords:Extrasolar planet, Biosignatures, Photosynthesis, Quantum Chemistry
We investigate thoroughly by quantum chemical calculations the properties of photosynthetic pigments like and artificial pigments which might form on early Earth or other planets to unravel the red limit of the pigment. Photosynthetic pigments play a central role to convert available light energies into chemical energies. Chlorophyll has a tetrapyrrole ring with a metal ion such as Mg in the center of the ring. The ring structure can encapsulate a variety of metals to have a modulation of physical-chemical properties. Starting with the tetrapyrrole, we search for the pigments which are applicable around M dwarfs by calculating their basic structures, functional groups, central metals and solvents to determine the absorption wavelength and other properties. At first, we focused on the role of the central metal. Metals M={H2, Mg, Ca, Ni, Cu, Zn, Sr, Cd, Hg, Pb, ...} are put in the center of rings and are evaluated. According to our calculations, the wavelength of the first excited state is slight long in M=Ni in chlorophylls a and b and bacteriochlorophylls a and b. Additionally, binding eneries for metals into the rings in solvent conditions, molecular orbitals and reactivities (ionization potential and electron affinity) are analyzed for each pigment.