

[J] ポスター発表

セッション記号 M (領域外・複数領域) » M-IS ジョイント

[M-IS15] 遠洋域の進化

2019年5月27日(月) 13:45 〜 15:15 ポスター会場 (幕張メッセ国際展示場 8ホール)

コンビーナ:松岡 篤(新潟大学理学部)、木元 克典(独立行政法人海洋研究開発機構)、栗原 敏之(新潟大学大学院自然科学研究科)、尾上 哲治(熊本大学大学院自然科学研究科)

[MIS15-P02] Radiolarian phylogeny around the Jurassic–Cretaceous boundary

*松岡 篤1 (1.新潟大学理学部)


The Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) of the Jurassic–Cretaceous boundary (JKB) is the last among the GSSPs in the Phanerozoic. It is defined as the base of the Berriasian Stage. Radiolarians are good candidates for defining the JKB because they are wide spread and can be found both pelagic and neritic marine environments. Pelagic sequences across the JKB have been reported in ODP/IODP sites in the western Pacific and land sections in Japan, the Philippines, southern Tibet, Iran and others. Evolutionary lineages of several radiolarian taxa across the JKB are reviewed and suitable bioevents, which are approximate to the JKB, are presented. These lineages include the radiolarian genera: Alievium, Archaeodictyomitra, Cinguloturris, Complexapora, Crococapsa, Doliocapsa, Emiluvia, Eucyrtidiellum, Hemicryptocapsa, Hsuum, Loopus, Mirifusus, Mesovallupus, Neorelumbra, Pantanellium, Protovallupus, Protunuma, Pseudodictyomitra, Ristola, Spinosicapsa, Tethysetta, Thanarla, Vallupus, Xitus, and Zhamoidellum. Among them the LoopusPseudodictyomitra lineage, the Protovallupus–Mesovallupus–Vallupus lineage, and Complexapora lineage are important phylogeny for defining the JKB.