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    [O-04] New earth and planetary science education created by hybrid community between society and JpGU

    Sun. May 26, 2019 1:45 PM - 3:15 PM 106 (1F)

    convener:Yasushi Fujiwara(Evening Classes; Integrated Course, Kanagawa Prefectual Mukainooka Technical High School), Hiroaki Akimoto(Faculty of Economics,Dokkyo University), Chairperson:Yasushi Fujiwara(Evening Classes; Integrated Course, Kanagawa Prefectual Mukainooka Technical High School), Hiroaki AKIMOTO(Dokkyo University)

    1:45 PM - 2:15 PM

    [O04-01] In the next Course of Study, let's send information on world standard "geography / geography" from Japan to the world

    ★Invited Papers

    *YOJI TAKIKAWA1 (1.NPO Association of Science Curriculum Initiative NPO Galileo Science Workshop)

    Keywords:New Course of Study, Active learning, Inquiry activities, Reform of entrance exam from high school to university, STEM education, The era of "low birthrate and aging" and "IT"

    Previously, at the science education research meeting, a high school geology teacher introduced that "photographs before and after the earthquake" taken in his area, "predicting the dangerous place" is used for his lessons . I learned that we can predict where danger is.
    Another geological teacher went to see the principal who invited me to come to my high school and said he refused "I do not want to work for a dangerous school in such a lowland". It might seem like a strange teacher at the present time, but I think that [the crisis management of Japan with many earthquakes] was quite different if these knowledge became common sense of citizens. It is also understood from this that learning of "Earth science education - natural geography, geology, mineralogy, geophysics, oceanography, meteorology etc" is indispensable for earthquake, disaster prevention, environmental understanding. However, teachers of earth science are currently endangered species in Japan. In this situation I hear that it may be forced to withdraw from the forefront of geoscience education.

    On the other hand, the New Course of Study guarantees importance on "subjective, interactive and deep learning (active / learning)", not only knowledge but also "student’s inquire” is claimed to be valued .
    This direction is also common to "PISA test of OECD, National curriculum of the UK, Standard NGSS of science education of the USA, etc." In short, it is considered important to acquire the "motivation, method, and the living knowledge on which it is based" necessary for the child to continue learning throughout his life. For this reason, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology is also changing the way "college entrance examinations are implemented", especially for high schools and universities to change the direction of learning from "knowledge injection type education".

    In the era when "birthrate aging and declining birthrate" and "IT" are rapidly changing the society, we are approaching a milestone that we have to reveal "content and method of education" to foster children appropriate for the next era in a fairly rapid manner. In "Geography / geography education", it is necessary to reconsider the significance of "what to teach" again. And it is time to re-send "geography / geography education" from Japan to the world. I hope everyone will work in a meaningful direction.

    Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2019