

[E] 口頭発表

セッション記号 P (宇宙惑星科学) » P-PS 惑星科学

[P-PS01] Outer Solar System Exploration Today, and Tomorrow

2019年5月28日(火) 09:00 〜 10:30 A03 (東京ベイ幕張ホール)

コンビーナ:木村 淳(大阪大学)、笠羽 康正(東北大学 惑星プラズマ・大気研究センター)、Kunio M. Sayanagi(Hampton University)、座長:Kunio Sayanagi(Hampton University)、黒田 剛史

09:00 〜 09:15

[PPS01-06] Radiative transfer simulation including a non-LTE model for terahertz observations of Ganymede's atmosphere

*山田 崇貴1Rezac Ladislav2Larsson Richard2Hartogh Paul2吉田 尚弘3笠井 康子1,3 (1.情報通信研究機構、2.マックスプランク太陽系研究所、3.東京工業大学)


We are developing a teraherz radiative transfer code, named Atmospheric Teraherz Radiation Simulator (ATRASU), for simulations of sub-millimeter observations of planetary atmospheres.
Because of the tenuous Ganymede atmosphere we need to include non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (non-LTE) conditions of H2O rotational levels to simulate observations by the Submillimeter Wave Instrument (SWI) on the JUpiter ICy moon Explorer (JUICE). The frequency windows of the JUICE/SWI are 530 to 625 GHz and 1080 to 1275 GHz with 100 kHz spectral resolution.
We developed a deterministic non-LTE solution based on the multilevel Gauss–Seidel method. The simulated energy level populations of H2O for SWI observations start to deviate from LTE at 100 to 200 km altitude around sub-solar latitudes of 10 degrees. At sub-solar latitudes around 60 degrees the populations are in non-LTE over the entire range, starting from the surface. The difference of the simulated spectra between LTE and non-LTE conditions, and their sensitivity to various parameters, such as collisional rates for H2O, will be presented.