11:45 AM - 12:00 PM
[STT42-11] Numerical Description of Flow Channel in Pipe Conduits Considering Solid-fluid Phase Shift with Lattice Boltzmann Method
Keywords:LBM, Hydrodynamics, Scale, Corrosion
Besides silica scaling, pipe thinning can be cited as a serious issue threatening the stable operation of energy production. This relates a phenomenon in which the piping loses its original function of fluid transport due to the alternation, wear or rupture as a result of interaction between metallic pipe and surrounding environment. Most of the past experimental works on pipe corrosion have focused on pH as a dominant factor of chemical reaction in the wall vicinity. However, it has been said to be difficult to accurately reproduce the actual reduction of pipe thickness in the case of complicated conduits such as elbow piping or downstream of orifice plates since hydrodynamic influence induced by the complicated flow field becomes dominant over the chemical melting effect.
In this research, we combine microscopic and macroscopic analyses which reflect the physical influence over a wide area on silica scaling and pipe thinning. As the simulation method of flow calculation and reactive boundaries between solid and fluid, we use the lattice Boltzmann method (LBM), which has advantages in parallel computation and arbitrary boundary settings. In the process of sequential calculation in the solid-fluid boundaries with LBM, an analogical algorithm of random selection and volume fractions for crystal growth is utilized. Both results of scale visualization and corrosion simulation showed good agreement with real data with high numerical stability. Our research suggested that applications of LBM is effective with regards to various flow analyses in pipe conduits with complex phase shift.