JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020

Presentations by Keyword

Keywords : solar wind

21 results (11 - 20)

  • [E] Poster
  • |P (Space and Planetary Sciences )
  • | P-EM Solar-Terrestrial Sciences, Space Electromagnetism & Space Environment

convener:Kazumasa Iwai(Institute for Space–Earth Environmental Research (ISEE), Nagoya University), Yasuhiro Nariyuki(Faculty of Education, University of Toyama), Ken Tsubouchi(University of Electro-Communications), Masaki N(Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Institute of Space and Astronautical Science)

  • [E] Poster
  • |P (Space and Planetary Sciences )
  • | P-EM Solar-Terrestrial Sciences, Space Electromagnetism & Space Environment

convener:Aoi Nakamizo(Applied Electromagnetic Research Institute, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology), Mitsunori Ozaki(Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Institute of Science and Engineering, Kanazawa University), Akiko Fujimoto(Kyushu Institute of Technology), Yuka Sato(Nippon Institute of Technology)

  • [E] Poster
  • |P (Space and Planetary Sciences )
  • | P-EM Solar-Terrestrial Sciences, Space Electromagnetism & Space Environment

convener:Aoi Nakamizo(Applied Electromagnetic Research Institute, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology), Mitsunori Ozaki(Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Institute of Science and Engineering, Kanazawa University), Akiko Fujimoto(Kyushu Institute of Technology), Yuka Sato(Nippon Institute of Technology)

  • [E] Oral
  • |P (Space and Planetary Sciences )
  • | P-EM Solar-Terrestrial Sciences, Space Electromagnetism & Space Environment

convener:Mamoru Yamamoto(Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere, Kyoto University), Yasunobu Ogawa(National Institute of Polar Research), Satonori Nozawa(Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research, Nagoya University), Akimasa Yoshikawa(Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Kyushu University)

*Daikou Shiota1,4, Seiji Yashiro2, Ryuho Kataoka3, Kazumasa Iwai4, Yusuke Ebihara5 (1.National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT), 2.Catholic University of America, 3.National Institute of Polar Research, 4.Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research, Nagoya University, 5.Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere, Kyoto University)

  • [E] Oral
  • |P (Space and Planetary Sciences )
  • | P-EM Solar-Terrestrial Sciences, Space Electromagnetism & Space Environment

convener:Ryuho Kataoka(National Institute of Polar Research), Antti A Pulkkinen(NASA Goddard Space Flight Center), Kanya Kusano(Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research, Nagoya University), Kaori Sakaguchi(National Institute of Information and Communications Technology)

  • [E] Oral
  • |P (Space and Planetary Sciences )
  • | P-EM Solar-Terrestrial Sciences, Space Electromagnetism & Space Environment

convener:Ryuho Kataoka(National Institute of Polar Research), Antti A Pulkkinen(NASA Goddard Space Flight Center), Kanya Kusano(Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research, Nagoya University), Kaori Sakaguchi(National Institute of Information and Communications Technology)

*Paul Prikryl1,2, James M. Weygand3, Reza Ghoddousi-Fard4, Lidia Nikitina2, Bharat S. R. Kunduri5 (1.Physics Department University of New Brunswick, Canada , 2.Geomagnetic Laboratory Natural Resources Canada, 3.Earth Planetary and Space Sciences, University of California, USA, 4.Canadian Geodetic Survey Natural Resources Canada , 5.Bradley Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Virginia Tech, USA)

  • [E] Oral
  • |P (Space and Planetary Sciences )
  • | P-EM Solar-Terrestrial Sciences, Space Electromagnetism & Space Environment

convener:Huixin Liu(Earth and Planetary Science Division, Kyushu University SERC, Kyushu University), Yuichi Otsuka(Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research, Nagoya University), Yue Deng(University of Texas at Arlington), Loren Chang(Institute of Space Science, National Central University)

  • [E] Poster
  • |P (Space and Planetary Sciences )
  • | P-EM Solar-Terrestrial Sciences, Space Electromagnetism & Space Environment

convener:Ryuho Kataoka(National Institute of Polar Research), Antti A Pulkkinen(NASA Goddard Space Flight Center), Kanya Kusano(Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research, Nagoya University), Kaori Sakaguchi(National Institute of Information and Communications Technology)

  • [E] Poster
  • |P (Space and Planetary Sciences )
  • | P-EM Solar-Terrestrial Sciences, Space Electromagnetism & Space Environment

convener:Ryuho Kataoka(National Institute of Polar Research), Antti A Pulkkinen(NASA Goddard Space Flight Center), Kanya Kusano(Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research, Nagoya University), Kaori Sakaguchi(National Institute of Information and Communications Technology)

  • [E] Poster
  • |A (Atmospheric and Hydrospheric Sciences )
  • | A-AS Atmospheric Sciences, Meteorology & Atmospheric Environment

convener:Sridhara Nayak(Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University), JAGABANDHU PANDA(National Institute of Technology Rourkela)