JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020

Presentations by Keyword

Keywords : tsunami

92 results (41 - 50)

  • [E] Oral
  • |H (Human Geosciences )
  • | H-DS Disaster geosciences

convener:Yujin Kitamura(Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Kagoshima University), Kiichiro Kawamura(Yamaguchi University)

  • [E] Oral
  • |H (Human Geosciences )
  • | H-DS Disaster geosciences

convener:Yujin Kitamura(Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Kagoshima University), Kiichiro Kawamura(Yamaguchi University)

  • [E] Oral
  • |H (Human Geosciences )
  • | H-DS Disaster geosciences

convener:Yujin Kitamura(Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Kagoshima University), Kiichiro Kawamura(Yamaguchi University)

  • [E] Poster
  • |H (Human Geosciences )
  • | H-DS Disaster geosciences

convener:Yujin Kitamura(Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Kagoshima University), Kiichiro Kawamura(Yamaguchi University)

  • [E] Oral
  • |H (Human Geosciences )
  • | H-DS Disaster geosciences

convener:ELENA PETROVA(Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Geography), Hajime Matsushima(Research Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University)

  • [E] Oral
  • |H (Human Geosciences )
  • | H-TT Technology & Techniques

convener:Takashi Oguchi(Center for Spatial Information Science, The University of Tokyo), Yoshiki Wakabayashi(Graduate School of Urban Environmental Sciences, Tokyo Metropolitan University), Yuei-An Liou(National Central University), Ronald C. Estoque(National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan)

  • [J] Oral
  • |H (Human Geosciences )
  • | H-CG Complex & General

convener:Kohta Juraku(Department of Humanities, Social and Health Sciences, School of Engineering, Tokyo Denki University), Satoshi Kaneshima(Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Kyushu University), Takeshi Sagiya(Disaster Mitigation Research Center, Nagoya University), Daisuke Suetsugu(institute for Marine Geodynamics, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology)

  • [E] Oral
  • |S (Solid Earth Sciences )
  • | S-SS Seismology

convener:Takashi Tonegawa(Research and Development center for Earthquake and Tsunami, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology), Takeshi Akuhara(Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo), Pascal Audet(University of Ottawa), Taka'aki Taira(Berkeley Seismological Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley)

  • [E] Oral
  • |S (Solid Earth Sciences )
  • | S-SS Seismology

convener:Takashi Tonegawa(Research and Development center for Earthquake and Tsunami, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology), Takeshi Akuhara(Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo), Pascal Audet(University of Ottawa), Taka'aki Taira(Berkeley Seismological Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley)

  • [J] Poster
  • |S (Solid Earth Sciences )
  • | S-SS Seismology

convener:Masayuki Obayashi(Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology), Kazuo Nakahigashi(Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology), Tadafumi Ochi(Institute of Earthquake and Volcano Geology, Geological Survey of Japan, The National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)