[E] ポスター発表
セッション記号 A (大気水圏科学) » A-HW 水文・陸水・地下水学・水環境
[A-HW33] Prediction of water and sediment dynamics from small to large scales
コンビーナ:横尾 善之(Fukushima University)、浅野 友子(東京大学)
After the IAHS decade of PUB, challenges have been continued for understanding internal processes and developing models for elevating the predictability of hydrological response for watershed with multiple scales. Simultaneously, changes in the precipitation patterns and intensity as well as increases in associated sediment disasters due to global climate changes brought us challenges for developing tight linkages between water and sediment dynamics in the areas of observation and modeling approaches. For tacking the issues, we have conducted studies for comprehending scale dependency of processes for water and sediment movement from small to large watersheds and explored process representation of numerical models coupled to field-based evidences. Based on these studies, we proposed (1) classification for the behaviors of water and sediment movement from small and large watersheds depending on internal processes, (2) internal hydrologic and geomorphic processes can be included in models. Further discussion needs to be extended for applicability of the approaches.
This session aims to explore updated and current studies for scale dependencies and process representation of hydrologic and geomorphic processes in multiple watersheds. We welcome for topics related to hydrology, geomorphology, and biogeochemistry in small and large watersheds for both field and modeling approaches. Patterns and variability for water and sediment movements within watersheds are also included in the topics.
In this session, we will extend discussion for next step of field and modeling studies toward integrating hydrologic and geomorphologic processes in various landscapes and achieving prediction of ungauged basin in the areas of water and sediment dynamics. Finding through this session may advance our ability for hydrological predictions in any ungauged basins from small to large spatial scales toward sustainable water resources and sediment management.
*佐藤 光1、横尾 善之2、Leong Chris2 (1.福島大学大学院共生システム理工学研究科、2.福島大学共生システム理工学類)
*松下 恒輝1、五十嵐 康記2、恩田 裕一1、脇山 義史2、Alexei Konoplev2、Gennady Laptev3、Sergii Obrizan4、Volodymyr Demianovych4、Mark Zheleznyak2 (1.筑波大学、2.福島大学 環境放射能研究所、3.ウクライナ水文気象研究所、4.チェルノブイリ エコセンター)
*木下 元祐1、恩田 裕一2、ナム スンユン3、加藤 弘亮2、五味 高志3、チウ チェンウェイ3、谷口 圭輔4 (1.筑波大学、2.筑波大学 アイソトープ環境動態研究センター、3.東京農工大学 農学研究院 国際環境農学部門 、4.福島環境創造センター)