JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020

Session information

[E] Oral

P (Space and Planetary Sciences ) » P-EM Solar-Terrestrial Sciences, Space Electromagnetism & Space Environment

[P-EM19] Dynamics of the Inner Magnetospheric System

convener:Kunihiro Keika(Department of Earth and Planetary Science, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo ), Aleksandr Y Ukhorskiy(Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory), Yoshizumi Miyoshi(Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research, Nagoya University), Lynn M Kistler(University of New Hampshire Main Campus)

The inner magnetosphere is highly variable because dynamical
variations of incoming energy from the solar wind, magnetospheric tail,
and the ionosphere. Cross-regional/cross-scale/cross-energy couplings
are key processes to understand this dynamical system, and coordinated
observations by multi-satellites and ground-based observations are
very essential to reveal these processes. In the 24th solar cycle,
a number of satellites such as Van Allen Probes, MMS, THEMIS, DSX and
Arase, coordinated ground-based observations (THEMIS-GBO, SuperDARN,
EISCAT, magnetometers, riometer, etc), and numerical simulations
(global kinetic model, MHD model, micro PIC, hybrid simulations) have
successfully investigated the inner magnetosphere system. Papers on recent results
on the inner magnetosphere and/or its coupling with the other regions,
including the ionosphere and the outer magnetosphere are invited. And
presentations on new projects for the inner magnetosphere are also

*Tomoki Kimura1, Fuminori Tsuchiya1, Chihiro Tao2, Kazuo Yoshioka3, Hajime Kita4, Go Murakami4, Atsushi Yamazaki4, Reina Hikida3, Fumiharu Suzuki3, Ryoichi Koga1, George Clark5, Zhonghua Yao6, Yasutaka Hiraki7, Fran Bagenal8, Peter Delamere9, Keiichiro Fukazawa10, Ichiro Yoshikawa3, Masaki Fujimoto4, Hisaki Science team (1.Tohoku University, 2.NICT, 3.University of Tokyo, 4.JAXA/ISAS, 5.Johns Hopkins University / Applied Physics Laboratory, 6.Liege University , 7.Advanced Knowledge Laboratory, Inc., 8.University of Colorado Boulder, 9.University of Alaska Fairbanks, 10.Kyoto University)

*Yuki Harada1, Suranga Ruhunusiri2, Jasper S Halekas2, Jared R Espley3, Gina A DiBraccio3, James P McFadden4, David L Mitchell4, Christian Mazelle5, Glyn Collinson3, David A Brain6, Takuya Hara4, Masahito Nose7, Oimatsu Satoshi1, Kazuhiro Yamamoto1, Bruce M Jakosky6 (1.Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University, 2.Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Iowa, 3.NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, 4.Space Sciences Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, 5.IRAP, University of Toulouse, CNRS, UPS, CNES, 6.LASP, University of Colorado at Boulder, 7.ISEE, Nagoya Univ)