JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020

Session information

[E] Poster

S (Solid Earth Sciences ) » S-GD Geodesy

[S-GD01] Geodetic Infrastructure for Monitoring the Dynamic Earth: The Global Geodetic Observing System

convener:Basara Miyahara(GSI of Japan), Richard S Gross(NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory)

The Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS) measures the time-varying shape, rotation, and gravity field of the Earth, which provide accurate geodetic reference frames and enable us to understand various dynamic processes occurring on the Earth. The measurements are achieved with various geodetic techniques such as VLBI, SLR, GNSS, DORIS and gravity measurements. Many institutions in the world have developed their geodetic infrastructure to contribute to GGOS realization and devoted to research activities for Earth science. These activities are well coordinated and supported by the international scientific services of the International Association of Geodesy such as the International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry (IVS), the International Laser Ranging Service (ILRS), the International GNSS Service (IGS), the International DORIS Service (IDS), the International Gravity Field Service (IGFS), and so on. Through the coordination and support of these efforts, GGOS has fostered global collaboration and advocated stable production of geodetic products such as geodetic reference frames, earth rotation parameters and earth's gravity field models. This session will focus on reporting and discussing recent GGOS activities including geodetic data DOI working group, status of geodetic infrastructure and the results of data analysis for GGOS, and highlight the importance of geodetic observations to monitoring and understanding the dynamic Earth system for the benefit of science and society.


*Michael R Pearlman1, Carey E Noll2, Erricos C Pavlis3, Toshimichi Otsubo4, Jean-Marie Torre5, Ulrich Schreiber6, Georg Kirchner7, Michael Steindorfer7 (1.Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge MA, United States, 2.NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Code 61A, Greenbelt MD, United States, 3.University of Maryland, Baltimore MD, United States, 4.Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, Japan, 5.Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur, Nice, France, 6.Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Forschungseinrichtung Satellitengeodaesie Wettzell, Bad Koetzting, Germany, 7.Space Research Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria)

*Frank G Lemoine1, Guilhem Moreaux2, Jérôme Saunier3, Pascale Ferrage4, Laurent Soudarin2, Koichiro Doi5 (1.NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, U.S.A., 2.Collecte Localisation Satellites, Ramonville Saint-Agne, France, 3.Institut National de l’Information Géographique et Forestière, St-Mandé, France, 4.Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales, Toulouse, France, 5.National Institute of Polar Research, Tachikawa-City, Tokyo, Japan )

*Shun-ichi Watanabe1, Noritsune Seo2, Yuto Nakamura1, Yusuke Yokota3, Hiroko Fukura4 (1.Hydrographic and Oceanographic Department, Japan Coast Guard, 2.Shimosato Hydrographic Observatory, 5th Regional Coast Guard Headquarters, Japan Coast Guard, 3.Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo, 4.8th Regional Coast Guard Headquarters, Japan Coast Guard)

*Ryuichi Ichikawa1, Hideki Ujihara1, Shinsuke Satoh1, Yusaku Ohta2, Basara Miyahara3, Hiroshi Munekane3, Taketo Nagasaki4, Osamu Tajima5, Kentaro Araki6, Takuya Tajiri6, Hiroshi Takiguchi7, Takeshi Matsushima8, Nobuo Matsushima9, Tatsuya Momotani10, Kenji Utsunomiya10 (1.National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, 2.Tohoku University, 3.Geospatial Information Authority of Japan, 4.RIKEN, 5.Kyoto University, 6.Meteorological Research Institute, JMA, 7.Japan Aerospace eXploration Agency, 8.Kyushu University, 9.National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, 10.Japan Weather Association)