[ACG57-16] 海氷速度データを用いた海洋・海氷シミュレーションにおける力学パラメータの最適化
Sea ice velocity field derived from satellite microwave observations with high accuracy and daily intervals has recently been released (Kimura et al., 2013). We have conducted an optimization experiment of the sea ice dynamical parameters in a coupled sea ice-ocean model to the observational sea ice velocity data. The target parameters were air-ice and ice-ocean drag coefficients, turning angle of the wind stress from the wind direction, pressure parameters of the rheology. Green’s functions of these parameters were estimated from the deviations of perturbed experiments from baseline experiment and were utilized for estimating the set of optimal parameter values. In addition, we extended this method to include dependency of the parameters on model state variables. Discussion on this dependency and the results of the experiment with the optimized parameters will be presented.