JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020


[J] 口頭発表

セッション記号 A (大気水圏科学) » A-OS 海洋科学・海洋環境

[A-OS18] 陸域と海域をつなぐ水循環と、沿岸域の海洋循環・物質循環

コンビーナ:木田 新一郎(九州大学・応用力学研究所)、田中 潔(東京大学)、山崎 大(東京大学生産技術研究所)、速水 祐一(佐賀大学)

[AOS18-03] 能登半島熊木川における河川懸濁態有機物のδ13C and Δ14Cの流下方向での変動

*長尾 誠也1田原 龍之介2後藤 晶子3長谷川 卓3落合 伸也1 (1.金沢大学環日本海域環境研究センター、2.金沢大学大学院自然科学研究科、3.金沢大学理工研究域地球社会基盤学系)


Small rivers and streams have potential significance in the transport of sediments and organic matter, and its export flux is estimated as ~40% of riverine global organic carbon. Radioactive and stable isotopes of carbon (14C and 13C) can serve as powerful tools for identifying sources and estimating turnover times of organic matter in aquatic system. The present study aims to investigate downward variations in the characteristics of riverine particulate organic matter running through forest and paddy field. We selected the Kumaki River located at the central part of the Noto Peninsula in Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan. The river research was monthly conducted at fixed sites of the up-, mid- and down-stream during April 2016-December 2018.

δ13C and Δ14C values of organic matter in the riverine suspended solids of Kumaki River show the range of –27.2‰ to –25.1‰, and –130 to +3 ‰, respectively. The carbon isotope composition shows three groups corresponding the up-, mid- and down-stream sites at normal flow condition. After rain events, the carbon isotope values are shifted to lower value of δ13C and higher value of Δ14C at the three sites under higher flow condition. There is a positive correlation between particulate organic carbon concentrations and thier Δ14C values, and a negative correlation between the δ13C and Δ14C values at mid and down-stream sites. All data shows downward variation of carbon isotope composition from upstream to downstream. The Δ14C values decrease along the river line, but the δ13C increased downward in the Kumaki River. The results indicate that particulate organic matter at each sampling site is mainly supplied from each watershed area. The higher contribution from surface forest soil was observed at all sampling sites after rain events. Therefore, water discharge and land use type of the watershed are related to the transport of particulate organic matter in the small river system.