JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020


[J] ポスター発表

セッション記号 A (大気水圏科学) » A-OS 海洋科学・海洋環境

[A-OS18] 陸域と海域をつなぐ水循環と、沿岸域の海洋循環・物質循環

コンビーナ:木田 新一郎(九州大学・応用力学研究所)、田中 潔(東京大学)、山崎 大(東京大学生産技術研究所)、速水 祐一(佐賀大学)

[AOS18-P07] 駿河湾奥の倉沢における多層水温変動

*中村 美都1植原 量行1 (1.東海大学大学院海洋学研究科海洋学専攻)


For the first time, Nakamura (1977) found the summer subsurface temperature drop in Suruga Bay from the 10-year mean monthly variability in temperature and salinity vertical profiles. He called this summer temperature drop ”Secondary Temperature Minimum”. In this study, we analyzed the time series obtained from the multi-layer water temperature system installed at Kurasawa, from 2008 to 2017 which was observed at a ten-minute interval. As a result, we found that the multi-layer temperature time series is devided into five parts concerning the time change. That is, 1. uniform heating period (April), 2.heating and stratification period (May to the middle of August), 3. surface cooling period (September to October), 4.temperature decrease period, and 5. the lowest temperature period (February and March). We, here, focus the second part, ”heating and stratification period” (May to the middle of August). In this period, the water temperature at a depth of 5-m increases due to surface heating, but decreases below deeper than 20-m. These phenomena are thought to be ”Secondary Temperature Minimum” pointed out by Nakamura (1977). Moreover, these subsurface temperature drops have time scale fluctuations smaller than a month and are very comlicated. We would like to discuss the variabilities of these phenomena in this presentation.