JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020


[E] ポスター発表

セッション記号 H (地球人間圏科学) » H-CG 地球人間圏科学複合領域・一般

[H-CG21] 景観評価の国際比較

コンビーナ:青木 陽二(放送大学)

[HCG21-P01] Sightseeing image of Asakusa based on Foreign Tourist Preference

*謝 子驕1saraswati sisriany1汪 惠心1赵 雨晴1岡 正哉1小林 久美子1古谷 勝則1 (1.千葉大学)


Upon the implementation of Japan's tourism policy, more and more foreigners are coming to Japan. According to data from the Japan National Tourism Organization, the number of foreigners visiting Japan in 2018 reached 31.19 million. Asakusais one of the tourist attractions in Tokyo, Japan.Despite the temple as the main attraction, tons of attractions are also available surrounding this Asakusa area, not only for the cultural and historical aspect. Foreign tourists often visit this area for the whole area, Asakusa, not only for Sensoji temple. In order to contribute and promote tourism growth in Japan, especially Asakusa,.This research uses the visitor-employed photography (VEP)method, which invites volunteers to photograph their liked scenes and then captures the visitors’ landscape attitudes by deriving their intentions behind the photographs, was designed for capturing visitors’ on-site and real-time perception while visiting (Cherem and Traweek 1977). The total participants in this research are 36 people, with 740 photographs that use as data. The photographs classify in Google Vision API to classify the attraction based on image character (information about entities in an image, across a broad group of categories) and landmark image (popular natural and man-made structures). The data later use for mapping the scenic attraction in the Asakusa area. The result shows that most attraction is still around the Sensoji Temple, but this research also identifies another potential sightseeing image. In conclusion, even if Sensoji temple is the main attraction, the other Asakusa area also have high potential to develop as a sightseeing attraction, not only perform as a tourism service area (souvenir shop and restaurant).