[HCG28-04] Database for the Geological and Hydrological Model of Coastal Area on the Japanese Islands
Keywords:geological disposal, coastal area, database, modeling, groundwater analysis
Scientific Properties Map of Japanese Islands have been released in 2017, and discussions with publics have been operated in these three years. It is thought that necessity sending this message with a recognizing importance and the problem of the coastal area based on the experience that the author who was related to the map making and the conversation activity as the member of Technology WG Geological Disposal Program of Japan. The difference in the density and the quality of data in land areas and the sea area is important, though it is necessary to make the conceptual model by existing data first of all, and to take a general view of the target region. Moreover, the data that the statutory board issues should be made a data base so that it may take a general view of the Japanese Islands coast region in a uniform aspect, and the system that can understand every geological features and the groundwater environment from the same viewpoint of people. In addition, it is necessary to construct the technique for overcoming arising of the difference of a detailed research following in the land area and the sea area.
In this study, a coast part database considering a geological features environmental is constructed based on the national data of our country (especially related to the coast part). It aimed to analyze the groundwater flow and stale based on the geological features of the coast. Details are announced about modeling following afterwards about "The three dimensional geological features models' construction in the coast part" and the analysis in "Large area groundwater flow analysis that uses the conceptual model in geological disposal in the coast part".
In this study, a coast part database considering a geological features environmental is constructed based on the national data of our country (especially related to the coast part). It aimed to analyze the groundwater flow and stale based on the geological features of the coast. Details are announced about modeling following afterwards about "The three dimensional geological features models' construction in the coast part" and the analysis in "Large area groundwater flow analysis that uses the conceptual model in geological disposal in the coast part".