JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020


[J] ポスター発表

セッション記号 H (地球人間圏科学) » H-QR 第四紀学

[H-QR06] 第四紀:ヒトと環境系の時系列ダイナミクス

コンビーナ:小荒井 衛(茨城大学理学部理学科地球環境科学コース)、横山 祐典(東京大学 大気海洋研究所 高解像度環境解析研究センター)、奥村 晃史(広島大学大学院文学研究科)、里口 保文(滋賀県立琵琶湖博物館)

[HQR06-P08] Middle Holocene changes in relative sea-level on western Shikoku Island, Japan

*Tatsuhiko Yamaguchi1Tomohiro Tsuji2Futoshi Nanayama3,4Toshimichi Nakanishi9Michiharu Ikeda8Yasuo Kondo5Michiko Miwa6Yohei Hamada7 (1.Nation. Mus. Nat. Sci.、2.Yamaguchi Univ.、3.AIST、4.Kumamoto Univ.、5.Kochi Univ.、6.JAPEX、7.JAMSTEC、8.Shikoku Research Institute Inc、9.Japan Atomic Energy Agency )

キーワード:Ostracoda, Nankai Trough, Tectonics

Shikoku Island is situated 150 km northwest of the Nankai trough that has developed in response to the convergence of the subducting Philippine Sea Plate and overriding Eurasian Plate. This tectonism causes deformation of the island, megathrust earthquakes, and tsunamis. Shikoku Island experiences coseismic and interseismic deformation. The middle Holocene tectonics of the island are still poorly understood. Relative sea-level (RSL) changes indicated by coastal sediments potentially record seismic uplift and subsidence. To infer RSL changes between 8 and 4 cal. kyr BP, we studied Holocene ostracode assemblages from the SKM drill core in Sukumo, southwest Shikoku Island (Tsuji et al., 2018, JpGU, MIS11-P19), and from six cores in the northern part of the island (Yasuhara et al., 2005, Palaeo3, 222, 285–312; Yasuhara and Seto, 2006, Paleontol. Res. 10, 99–116). To estimate paleo-water depth and RSL, we employed the ostracode assemblages and modern analog technique. The SKM core sediments are composed of conglomerate, ash, and mud chiefly. Its geological age was examined, using the 14C dating method (Nakanishi et al., 2019, Radiocarbon, 61, 1939–1950). The ostracode assemblages occur from mud sediments. They are divided into three biofacies, indicating the mud bottom of a central bay with influence of open-sea water during the period of 8.7–8.1 cal. kyr BP, a central bay with intensified influence of open-sea water in the interval of 8.1–7.4 cal. kyr BP, and the brackish condition of a bayhead during the period of 7.0–4.5 cal. kyr BP. The RSL decreases from +4.7 to -5.8 m in elevation between 8.0 and 7.0 cal. kyr BP, fluctuated between -5.8 and +8.8 m from 7.0 to 6.1 cal. kyr BP, and then gradually decreased to -2.4 m until 4.7 cal. kyr BP. The eustatic sea-level (ESL) changes of Okuno et al. (2014, Quat. Sci. Rev. 91, 42–61) indicates a gradual rise from -12 to -2 m in elevation in the period from 8 to 4.5 cal. kyr BP. Hence the RSL reflects uplift to 4.7 cal. kyr BP in the southwestern Shikoku Island, in contrast to north of Shikoku Island. In north of the island, the RSL were slightly lower than the ESL and increases in parallel to the ESL rise. The RSL changes reflect the subsidence between 8 and 4 cal. kyr BP. The differences in RSL across the island suggest tilting of the island, possibly due to convergence of the Philippine Sea Plate.