JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020


[E] ポスター発表

セッション記号 M (領域外・複数領域) » M-AG 応用地球科学

[M-AG43] The Application Usability Level (AUL): A Standard Measure of Progress to Benefit Space Research

コンビーナ:Jeffrey Klenzing(NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)、Adam C Kellerman(University of California Los Angeles)、Brett A Carter(RMIT University)、Tam Dao(Geospatial Center, RMIT University)

[MAG43-P03] The sami2py ionospheric model: a Phase 1 AUL project

*Jeffrey Klenzing1Jonathon Smith1,2Alexa Jean Halford1Michael Hirsch3Joe Huba1,4 (1.NASA Goddard Space Flight Center、2.Catholic University of America、3.Boston University、4.Symtek)

キーワード:ionosphere, model, space weather

Sami2py is a python module that runs the SAMI2 ionospheric model, as well as archives, loads and plots the resulting modeled values. SAMI2 is a model developed by the Naval Research Laboratory to simulate the motions of plasma in a 2D ionospheric environment along a dipole magnetic field [Huba et al, 2000]. SAMI2 solves for the chemical and dynamical evolution of seven ion species in this environment (H+, He+, N+, O+, N2+, NO+, and O2+). The python implementation allows for additional modifications to the empirical models within SAMI2, including reduction of the exospheric temperature in the NRLMSIS thermosphere and the input of custom ExB ion drifts.

The code is open source and available to the community on github. As part of the Application Usability Level (AUL) framework, we will discuss the usability of this code in terms of simple ionospheric applications, including as a core dependence of the “growin” project.