JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020


[E] 口頭発表

セッション記号 M (領域外・複数領域) » M-IS ジョイント

[M-IS11] 地球掘削科学

コンビーナ:黒田 潤一郎(東京大学大気海洋研究所 海洋底科学部門)、道林 克禎(名古屋大学 大学院環境学研究科 地球環境科学専攻 地質・地球生物学講座 岩石鉱物学研究室)、氏家 恒太郎(筑波大学生命環境系)、Clive Robert Neal(University of Notre Dame)

[MIS11-01] Exploring the Arctic deep biosphere and its linkage to carbon cycling and climate variation with Chikyu

*稲垣 史生1Steffen L. Jørgensen2山田 泰広1Rolf Birger Pedersen2ArcDB Project Team (1.国立研究開発法人海洋研究開発機構、2.ノルウェー・ベルゲン大学)


As the profound impacts and implications of the on-going climate change are becoming increasingly apparent, so too is the urgency to understand the complex feedback processes that regulate the Earth systems. Jointly, the scientific community agrees that the Arctic is a critically important region since it is responding to climate change more strongly than any other region in the world. Especially relevant is to understand the fluxes of carbon, from and within these remote regions. Great efforts are currently being made to advance our knowledge of carbon cycling in the Arctic – including terrestrial, marine, and cryospheric realms. However, one significant province is still left unexplored—the Arctic subseafloor. Knowledge of this environment is still comparatively poor, despite the Arctic subseafloor containing a significant proportion of the global carbon stock – its’ short and long-term fate is tightly linked to both global climate change and the activity of microbial life inhabiting the deep marine biosphere. Further, the subsurface sedimentary sequence represents an invaluable archive of the past Arctic climatic variability, and has recorded some of the environmental consequences, and hence is key to understand and constrain future trajectories for our planet’s evolution. For example, during the early-to-middle Eocene, it has been discovered that fresh-to-brackish water conditions must have been strongly stratified, creating a freshwater lid and growth of freshwater algae for nearly a million years along the Arctic continental margin. However, as of today, the nature and extent of deep-biosphere microbial communities and their correlations to the past climate and environmental changes and carbon cycling are almost completely unexplored in the Arctic Ocean margin. As the subseafloor sediment contains invaluable information about the past oceanographic, climatic and depositional conditions, the scientific deep drilling expedition will allow us to look more detail millions of years back into previous global warming periods and learn how past variability in climate, ice-coverage, ocean water circulations, and continental input of organic matter have systematically influenced the past and current biospheres and carbon cycles in the Arctic Ocean margin. To address these issues, a scientific ocean drilling project to explore a 3,300 meter-deep, ~50 million-year-old subseafloor environment with riser drilling of the Chikyu at the Hinlopen Margin, southern Nansen Basin in the Arctic Ocean is proposed.