JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020


[E] ポスター発表

セッション記号 M (領域外・複数領域) » M-IS ジョイント

[M-IS11] 地球掘削科学

コンビーナ:黒田 潤一郎(東京大学大気海洋研究所 海洋底科学部門)、道林 克禎(名古屋大学 大学院環境学研究科 地球環境科学専攻 地質・地球生物学講座 岩石鉱物学研究室)、氏家 恒太郎(筑波大学生命環境系)、Clive Robert Neal(University of Notre Dame)

[MIS11-P01] Monsoon-influenced variations in calcareous and siliceous plankton community structure and upper- water column stratificatio of the western Bay of Bengal during the past 80 kyr

★Invited Papers

*太田 雄貴1川幡 穂高2,3,1黒田 潤一郎2,3鈴木 淳1石村 豊穂4 (1.産業技術総合研究所、2.東京大学大気海洋研究所、3.東京大学理学系研究科地球惑星科学専攻、4.茨城工業高等専門学校)


To enhance understanding of the forcing factors of marine biological community structure in the Bay of Bengal, we studied proxies for biogenic carbonate and silicate production in the western Bay of Bengal and compared them with proxies for upper-ocean stratification and strength of the Indian summer monsoon (ISM). Specifically, we investigated the record in a sediment core in the western Bay of Bengal that extended to approximately 80 kyr before the present. The records of Globigerinoides ruber sensu stricto δ18O minus Neogloboquadrina dutertrei δ18O(Δδ18Or–d) were used to investigate changes in upper-ocean stratification. In addition, mass accumulation rates (MARs) of CaCO3 and biogenic silica were used as proxies of calcareous and siliceous productivities. Greater difference between Globigerinoides ruber sensu stricto δ18O and Neogloboquadrina dutertrei δ18O during the marine isotope stage (MIS) 1 and 5a indicate intervals with less saline and more stratified conditions. In contrast, the relatively small difference between both planktic foraminiferal δ18O during MIS 2 and 4 indicates diminished stratification during these periods. Elevated carbonate production during MIS 2 and 4, demonstrated by the increase in CaCO3 MAR, could have been driven by lower freshwater influx to the western Bay of Bengal resulting from lower ISM precipitation, and thus the increased mixing and upwelling of deep nitrate into the photic zone. The relative increase in BSi MAR during periods of high ISM precipitation and decreased salinity of surface waters suggests a limited recovery in biological siliceous production under interglacial conditions, possibly due to enhanced fluvial SiO4 delivery to the ocean. Fluctuations of Δδ18Or–d during MIS 3 indicate that freshwater stratification was moderate and insufficient to restrict upwelling. This might have induced moderate biogenic silica and carbonate productions during this period.