JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020


[E] 口頭発表

セッション記号 M (領域外・複数領域) » M-IS ジョイント

[M-IS12] XRFコアスキャナーが切り開く環境復元の新展開

コンビーナ:Huang Jyh-Jaan Steven(Institute of Geology, University of Innsbruck)、天野 敦子(産業技術総合研究所)、村山 雅史(高知大学農林海洋科学部海洋資源科学科)、汪 良奇(國立中正大學)

[MIS12-04] The characteristics of turbidites beds of southwestern Ryukyu Trench floor: A new approach from the X-ray fluorescence core scanning analysis

*熊 衎昕1川村 喜一郎2金松 敏也1池原 研3宇佐見 和子4洪 崇勝5大河内 直彦1小川 奈々子1斎藤 実篤1村山 雅史6 (1.国立研究開発法人海洋研究開発機構、2.山口大学、3.産業技術総合研究所地質情報研究部門、4.日本エヌ・ユー・エス株式会社、5.中央研究院地球科學研究所、6.高知大学農林海洋科学部海洋資源科学科)

キーワード:deep-sea turbidite、X-ray fluorescence、Pyrrhotite、Ryukyu Trench

The southwestern Ryukyu Trench terminates on the eastern margin of the indenting northern Gagua Ridge and is characterized by a curved fan-shaped trench floor. This study area is an ideal place to study the sediment transport of oceanic trenches in terms of source-to-sink. Therefore, the characteristics and related geochemical characterization of trench turbidites were analyzed. We collected one piston core and related pilot core from the cruise KR1518 in 2015. Two pushed cores also were collected by SHINKAI6500 from the cruise YK1611 in 2016. These sites are deeper than 6,000 m water depth of the southwestern Ryukyu Trench floor. The sedimentary succession of Ryukyu Trench cores is dominated by gray silt interbedded with numerous silt-fine sand. These silt-fine sand layers can be considered as turbidite beds. Most of the turbidite beds show very thin lamination less than 2 cm thick. Based on visual core descriptions and XRF results, the elemental ratios of XRF can help determine the contact between turbidite and hemipelagic sediments, particularly for the thin turbidite beds. The depths of turbidite beds were highly correlated with the intensities of several elements. The intensities of calcium and iron are considered the most sensitive geochemical indicators. The elemental ratios Zr/Rb and Ca/Fe of most turbidite beds correspond to fining-upward sequences that were used to identify each thin turbidite. Based on the results of magnetic measurements, the presence of pyrrhotite signatures indicates that the Taiwan-sourced turbidites are interbedded with hemipelagic sediments. Radiocarbon dating and organic geochemical measurements from some specific layers were also conducted. To sum up, these results can increase the insight of turbidites in distal and deep-water environments.