JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020


[J] ポスター発表

セッション記号 M (領域外・複数領域) » M-SD 宇宙開発・地球観測

[M-SD47] 将来の衛星地球観測

コンビーナ:本多 嘉明(千葉大学環境リモートセンシング研究センター)、高薮 縁(東京大学 大気海洋研究所)、Shinichi Sobue(Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency)、金子 有紀(国立研究開発法人 宇宙航空研究開発機構)

[MSD47-P07] 衛星搭載イメージング FTS とドップラー風ライダによる全球風速複合観測

*岡本 創1木村 俊義2境澤 大亮2石井 昌憲3西澤 智明4 (1.九州大学、2.宇宙航空研究開発機構、3.情報通信研究機構、4.国立環境研究所)


We present the concept of synergy space-borne- lidar and FTS system of observations of global wind velocity. Main aims of the observing system is to provide three dimensional wind with high vertical resolution and also to provide a unique data sets of three dimensional water vapor, temperature to study cloud generation mechanism and its interaction to convection.
We propose measurement system of wind, water vapor, temperature, clouds, and aerosols by using FTS on Geostationary satellites with Doppler lidars and radars. Wind as atmospheric circulation is the most important element in climate and weather studies. Air- and ship-traffic are also using wind information as most prioritized one to ensure their safe operation. Current systems cannot measure global distribution of winds. Recent progress of Doppler lidar technology made precise wind measurement possible in three-dimensional manner, limited to narrow swarth over its orbit. A wind lidar satellite was already launched by European Space Agency, and NASA is also planning to launch. In Japan, NICT and JAXA are studying wind LIDAR. Also, recent geostationary weather satellite made possible to distinguish wind distribution by altitude using water vapor band imagery. Measurement error is still considerably large. The basic concept is to combine wind lidar and FTS on Geostationary satellites to complement each other. To cover the globe using geostationary orbit, we need about four satellites at each region. Using current weather satellite network is the most demanded approach. For LIDAR satellites, NASA, ESA and JAXA/NICT can make a strong network to maintain LIDAR data to calibrate the results of retrieved wind from imaging FTS on Geostationary satellite. The temporal requirement for the system is 1km horizontal resolution, 300m height distribution, <1m/s windspeed accuracy and wind vector. Since the FTS will offer high resolution data of water vapor and temperature, it can provide a unique opportunity to study cloud formation in relation to convection when space-borne cloud radar and lidar will be available with FTS.