JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020


[E] ポスター発表

セッション記号 M (領域外・複数領域) » M-ZZ その他

[M-ZZ53] Availability of earth science data in renewable energy field

コンビーナ:大竹 秀明(国立研究開発法人 産業技術総合研究所 再生可能エネルギー研究センター)、宇野 史睦(日本大学文理学部)、島田 照久(弘前大学大学院理工学研究科)、野原 大輔(電力中央研究所)

[MZZ53-P01] Geothermal exploration of the Iwaki Volcano using the Br/Cl ratio in river, spring, and hot spring waterGeothermal exploration of the Iwaki Volcano using the Br/Cl ratio in river, spring, and hot spring water

*井岡 聖一郎1浅井 和由2浅井 和見2三上 綾子3若狭 幸1 (1.弘前大学地域戦略研究所、2.株式会社地球科学研究所、3.青森県立木造高等学校)


Promising geothermal resource exploration areas in the vicinity of the Iwaki Volcano include the area around Dake and Hyakuzawa. Since 2011, three geothermal resource exploration drillings have been conducted around the Dake area. However, no promising geothermal power site has been found. Therefore, this study attempts to identify signs of such a site from the Br/Cl ratio of river, spring, and hot spring water samples collected from various locations around the entire area of the Iwaki Volcano.

We used 10 spring water, 18 stream water, and 27 hot spring water (Onsen) samples. We analyzed sample for Li+, Na+, NH4+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, F, Cl, Br, NO3, SO42–, Fe, Mn, Sr, Ba, B, Si, alkalinity, δ18O, and δD.

The analysis of Br/Cl in the hot spring water samples using the Cl vs. Br concentration diagram from Angcoy and Arnórsson (2015) revealed that they were relatively clearly divided into having seawater or magmatic (geothermal signature) origins. From the Br/Cl ratio of the hot spring water samples, it was determined that any geothermal signature in the river and spring waters would be detected by the Br/Cl ratio of those samples.

The results of the analysis of the Br/Cl ratio of these river and spring water samples indicated that they were not magmatic in origin with the exception of two rivers flowing around the Dake and Hyakuzawa areas. However, hot spring water flows into these. Thus, no promising geothermal resource exploration areas were found outside the Dake and Hyakuzawa areas.