JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020


[J] ポスター発表

セッション記号 M (領域外・複数領域) » M-ZZ その他

[M-ZZ56] 地球科学の科学史・科学哲学・科学技術社会論

コンビーナ:矢島 道子(日本大学文理学部)、山田 俊弘(大正大学)、青木 滋之(中央大学文学部)、吉田 茂生(九州大学大学院理学研究院地球惑星科学部門)

[MZZ56-P05] 都城秋穂著「杉健一の生涯と業績」地球科学, 56, 35-39, 1961

*眞島 英壽1 (1.明治大学黒耀石研究センター)


Descriptions by Miyashiro, Akiho have been regarded as strong evidence for the negative exegesis for the history of Japanese geology. Any description, however, has some biases from the viewpoint of its author. In order to claim that Japanese geology before world war II was less-developed, we need to examine the adjectively of Miyashiro’s descriptions. Sugi Kenichi (1901 – 1948) was one of the representative petrologists prior to world war II in Japan. Miyashiro (1961) published “Life and Achievements of Sugi, Kenichi.” The examination of Miyashiro (1961) is important to understand the characteristics of his descriptions about the history of Japanese geology. Sugi was also the supervisor of Gorai Masao and Kroda Yoshimasu, who debated with Miyashiro and his colleagues about the genesis of the Abukuma metamorphic rocks, which is called the Abukuma issue, in 1960 – 70s. Miyashiro (1961) is one of the reasons why the Abukuma issue was so escalated between the Sugi’s students and Miyashiro. The examination of Miyashiro (1961) therefore is also important for us to understand the dynamics of Japanese geology after world war II. In this presentation, I examine Miyashiro (1961). Discerptions about Sugi in Miyashiro (1961) are natively biased. Some issues were described with an inadequate timeline, which leads readers to feel that Sugi would have been a backward researcher. There is no description about the contributions of Sugi to the foundation of the department of geology at Kyushu University, three posthumous articles in the science reports of Kyushu University, the special issue dedicated to the late Prof. Sugi, Kenichi in 1951, and the Sugi Library which is composed of his bibliotheca donated to Kyushu University by his bereaved family. These features of Miyashiro (1961) indicate that we would be misinformed by Miyashsiro’s descriptions that Japanese geology before than him was backward and sluggish.