[O04-P51] Invisible ability of soil –Soil evaluation by zero point of charge-
Keywords:Forest soil, Experiment forest, Satoyama, Zero Point of charge, pH
Soil, which has a central role in the forest ecosystem, has charge. These soils and their charges are very different depending on the state of the organic terminal groups. Therefore, in this study, the purpose was to evaluate the Zero Point of Charge (ZPC) of the soil and learn what soil nutrients were in the soil in the Woods for Field Practice Owned by Sagano High School. The field is located in the Satoyama area, a buffer zone between Kyoto city’s forests and urban area. And it is a mixed needleleaf and broadleaf forest that is about 70 years old. The result we learned was that the pH(H2O) was a low value of 3.7 and the pH(KCl) was about 1 lower than it. We will try to measure the ZPC by STPT-ZPC method (Sakurai et al., 1988).