JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020


[E] 口頭発表

セッション記号 P (宇宙惑星科学) » P-CG 宇宙惑星科学複合領域・一般

[P-CG24] 宇宙・惑星探査の将来計画および関連する機器開発の展望

コンビーナ:吉岡 和夫(東京大学大学院新領域創成科学研究科)、笠原 慧(東京大学)、小川 和律(宇宙航空研究開発機構)、尾崎 光紀(金沢大学理工研究域電子情報学系)

[PCG24-10] Development of the Raman Spectrometer for Martian Moon Exploration (RAX) for the MMX rover

*長 勇一郎1湯本 航生1亀田 真吾2臼井 寛裕5Ryan Conor3Hagelschuer Till3Routley Selene3Buder Maximilian3Dietz Enrico3Böttger Ute3Hübers Heinz-Wilhelm3Moral Andoni4Belenguer Tomás4Rodríguez Pablo4Rull Fernando6 (1.東京大学理学系研究科地球惑星科学専攻、2.立教大学理学部、3.ドイツ航空宇宙センター、4.スペイン国立航空宇宙技術研究所、5.宇宙航空研究開発機構、6.バラドリード大学)


The Raman Spectrometer for MMX (RAX) is one of the instruments on board the MMX rover. RAX will conduct Raman spectroscopy on the surface of Phobos to analyze the surface mineralogy. This instrument is composed of laser module, spectrometer module, and autofocusing subsystem (AFS). The entire RAX instrument weights ~1.4 kg and its size is only 81 x 98 x 125 mm3, excluding the externally mounted laser module. The RAX instrument is developed through an international collaboration among Japan (Univ. Tokyo/Rikkyo Univ/JAXA), DLR from Germany, and INTA/Univ Valladolid from Spain.

The Japanese team provides the autofocusing subsystem (AFS). The aim of AFS is to focus the collimated laser beam onto the surface of Phobos and to transmit the Raman signal generated at the laser spot back to the spectrometer module in the form of collimated light. To obtain optimized Raman signals from samples of various size, the distance between the bottom end of the optics and a sample can be adjusted within a range of ± 7.5 mm from the nominal working distance of 80 mm. Because of the highly limited volume inside the rover, the volume allocated for the autofocusing subsystem is only approximately 65 x 65 x 50 mm3, giving a challenge in designing and manufacturing the system. The mass of AFS will be less than 250 g.

The AFS is composed of the objective lens, stepping motor, linear guide, lead screw, photo-interrupter, electronics, and mechanical parts that connect them. The rotations of the stepping motor are converted to the linear motion of the objective lens, with a combination of nut, lead screw, and linear guide. To protect the motor axis from any shock/vibration load, the lead-screw shaft is separated from the motor axis and connected with it by a pair of gears. The AFS has its own printed circuit board to activate the stepping motor. Although the AFS will not have an encoder, the photo-interrupter will be used as an end-stop sensor. Its end-to-end performance is being evaluated with a breadboard model, while the preliminary design of the AFS is established in the international RAX team.