JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020


[E] ポスター発表

セッション記号 P (宇宙惑星科学) » P-CG 宇宙惑星科学複合領域・一般

[P-CG24] 宇宙・惑星探査の将来計画および関連する機器開発の展望

コンビーナ:吉岡 和夫(東京大学大学院新領域創成科学研究科)、笠原 慧(東京大学)、小川 和律(宇宙航空研究開発機構)、尾崎 光紀(金沢大学理工研究域電子情報学系)

[PCG24-P02] Organizational framework for scientific studies and instruments in Martian Moons Exploration (MMX) mission

*小川 和律1和田 浩二2臼井 寛裕1亀田 真吾3中村 智樹4倉本 圭5Bibring Jean-Pierre6藤本 正樹1玄田 英典7Helbert Jörn8平田 成9今村 剛10川勝 康弘1小林 正規2草野 広樹11Lawrence David12松本 晃治13Michel Patrick14宮本 英昭10中川 広務4大嶽 久志1Russell Sara15佐々木 晶16澤田 弘崇1千秋 博紀2寺田 直樹4Ulamec Stephan8渡邊 誠一郎17横田 勝一郎16 (1.宇宙航空研究開発機構、2.千葉工業大学、3.立教大学、4.東北大学、5.北海道大学、6.Université de Paris-Sud、7.東京工業大学、8.Deutsches Zentrums für Luft- und Raumfahrt、9.会津大学、10.東京大学、11.量子科学技術研究開発機構、12.The Johns Hopkins University、13.国立天文台、14.Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur、15.Natural History Museum、16.大阪大学、17.名古屋大学)

キーワード:MMX、Martian Moons Exploration、Phobos

The Martian Moons Exploration (MMX) mission has been planned to launch a Martian moons probe in 2024 as one of next planetary exploration missions in Japan. In this mission, the spacecraft reaches on quasi-satellite orbits around Phobos and makes remote-sensing observations. The spacecraft then carries out two times of landing and samples material of the Phobos surface. The spacecraft finally comes back to the Earth to bring the collected samples back. The MMX program shifted to the Phase-B in the beginning of February 2020 and basic design of the spacecraft and instruments have been started. In this presentation, we introduce the science-side organizational framework of MMX including science teams and scientific instrument teams we have constructed so far in the entire organization of MMX.

MMX has a new concept of organized science teams and this concept is a new attempt in the Japanese planetary exploration missions to enhance scientific results. As the largest science team Science Working Team (SWT) is defined to have all scientific researchers in MMX and achieve the science objectives of MMX. The SWT consists of Science Board (SB), Sub-Science Teams (SSTs), and a part of Instrument Teams (ITs) and Working Teams (WTs). SB is in charge of making decisions as recommendation to the project from scientific point of view, and manages and controls all teams in SWT. The SSTs are organized to fulfill the MMX's science objectives by using all available observation and analysis data taken from remote sensing observation, rover observation, and return sample analysis. For this purpose, the SSTs are responsible to making science and data analysis strategy, consider requirements for the instruments, check instrument performances, and actually analyze observation data to make science results. MMX has currently the following five SSTs: Origin of Phobos and Deimos, Early Solar System Evolution, Surface Science and Geology, Mars Science, and Geodesy. Most science objectives of MMX require multi-instrument data analyses and they will be effectively conducted in these SSTs.

MMX has a large number of instruments for observations and sampling, including non-scientific instruments which are possibly used also for science studies. These are: Circum-Martian Dust Monitor (CMDM), Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR), Macroscopique Observatoire pour la Minéralogie, I'Eau, le Glaces et I'Activité (Near-Infrared Spectrometer, MacrOmega), Mars-Moon Exploration with Gamma-Rays and Neutrons (MEGANE), Mass Spectrum Analyzer (MSA), Rover developed by CNES-DLR, Telescopic Nadir Imager for Geomorphology (TENGOO), Optical Radiometer Composed of Chromatic Imagers (OROCHI), Interplanetary Radiation Environment Monitor (IREM), Super High Vision Camera (SHV), Coring Sampler (CSMP), Pneumatic Sampler (PSMP), Sample Return Capsule (SRC), etc. The ITs develop these instruments and will conduct single-instrument data analysis mainly.