[PEM19-P10] Comparative study of magnetic field and ion flux variations in inner magnetosphere during magnetic storms using Arase observations and RAM-SCB simulations
Understanding the physical processes that control the dynamics of energetic particles in the inner magnetosphere is important for both space-borne and ground-based assets essential to the modern society. The storm time distribution of ring current ions in the inner magnetosphere depend strongly on their transport in evolutions of electric and magnetic fields along with acceleration and loss. In this study, we compare the magnetic field and ion flux (H+, He+, and O+) variations during geomagnetic storms using Arase observations with the self-consistent inner magnetosphere model: Ring current Atmosphere interactions Model with Self Consistent magnetic field (RAM-SCB). We investigate evolutions of ambient magnetic field taken from Arase MGF observations and RAM-SCB simulation during different phases of geomagnetic storms. Moreover, we compare pressure distributions of H+, He+ and O+ from both the Arase LEPi/MEPi measurements and the RAM-SCB simulation to investigate which ions contribute the magnetic field deformation.