JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020


[E] ポスター発表

セッション記号 S (固体地球科学) » S-EM 固体地球電磁気学

[S-EM19] Earth and planetary magnetism: Observations, modeling, and implications on dynamics and evolution

コンビーナ:小田 啓邦(産業技術総合研究所地質情報研究部門)、高橋 太(九州大学大学院理学研究院)、Courtney Jean Sprain(University of Florida)、臼井 洋一(海洋研究開発機構)

[SEM19-P01] Magnetic survey for buried old kilns with paleomagnetic and rock magnetic interpretation

*畠山 唯達1,2北原 優3望月 伸竜4下岡 順直5鐘ヶ江 賢二6松﨑 大嗣7中村 直子8 (1.岡山理科大学情報処理センター、2.岡山理科大学大学院生物地球科学研究科、3.九州大学大学院比較社会文化研究院、4.熊本大学大学院先端科学研究部基礎科学部門、5.立正大学地球環境科学部、6.鹿児島国際大学考古学ミュージアム、7.指宿市教育委員会、8.鹿児島大学埋蔵文化財調査センター)


Magnetic surveys at an old kiln site cluster in Kagoshima Pref., southwest Japan were conducted, and five magnetic anomalies were detected on the hill slopes, based on a Cretaceous sedimentary rocks. A magnetic anomaly map at one of the sites was drawn and an elongated magnetic anomaly zone, along to the upward direction of the slope with 6 to 8 m length, was found. On the other hand, we obtained the paleomagnetic and rock magnetic results for the samples from an excavated old kiln, located nearby the magnetic anomaly site. Assuming the buried source of magnetic anomaly in consideration of paleomagnetic data, the expected magnetic field on the ground surface is calculated and it is well consistent between the observation and the calculation. It can be concluded that the source of the magnetic anomaly is a floor of an old kiln buried 40cm below the surface, northwardly magnetized. This result can indicate that the paleomagnetic and rock magnetic results provide a validated information about the underground objects in the magnetic surveys.