JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020


[J] 口頭発表

セッション記号 S (固体地球科学) » S-SS 地震学

[S-SS17] 地震全般

コンビーナ:大林 政行(独立行政法人海洋研究開発機構 火山・地球内部研究センター)、中東 和夫(東京海洋大学)、落 唯史(国立研究開発法人産業技術総合研究所 地質調査総合センター 活断層・火山研究部門)

[SSS17-06] The minimum 1D velocity model determination of Gobi-Altai region from local earthquake data

*Dolgormaa Munkhbaatar1Munkhsaikhan Adiya1Tseedulam Khuut2 (1.Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics, Mongolian Academy of Sciences、2.Mongolian University of Science and Technology)

キーワード:1D velocity model, earthquake, Gobi-Altai active region, Relocation

We performed an inversion method to determine the 1D-velocity model with station corrections of the Gobi-Altai area in the southern part of Mongolia using earthquake data collected in the National Data Center during the last 10 years. In this study, the concept of the new 1D model has been employed to minimize the average RMS of a set of well-located earthquakes, recorded at permanent (between 2006 and 2016) and temporary seismic stations (between 2014 and 2016), compute solutions for the coupled hypocenter and 1D velocity model. We selected 4800 events with RMS less than 0.5 seconds and with a maximum GAP of 170 degrees and determined velocity structures. Also, we relocated all possible events located in the Gobi-Altai area using the new 1D velocity model and achieved constrained hypocentral determinations for events within this area. We concluded that the estimated new 1D velocity model is a relatively low range compared to the previous velocity model in a significant improvement intend to, and the quality of the information basis for future research center locations to determine the earthquake epicenter area with this new transmission model.