JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020


[J] ポスター発表

セッション記号 S (固体地球科学) » S-VC 火山学

[S-VC45] 活動的火山

コンビーナ:前田 裕太(名古屋大学)、三輪 学央(防災科学技術研究所)、西村 太志(東北大学大学院理学研究科地球物理学専攻)

[SVC45-P23] 阿武単成火山群におけるマグマ組成の空間分布

*于 賢洋1清杉 孝司1伊藤 靖子2巽 好幸1 (1.神戸大学、2.萩ジオパーク推進課)


To mitigate volcanic hazard of volcanic fields, understanding of temporal-spatial migration of vents and evolution of magma composition is important. The Abu Monogenetic Volcano Group (AMVG) is a late Cenozoic volcanic field composed of basaltic to rhyolitic lava flows distributed over a district of 400 km2. We investigated the whole rock chemical composition of these lava flows to determine the evolution of magma of the AMVG. It is known that the AMVG classified into early (2-1.6 Ma) and late (<0.8 Ma) period. In this study, we focus on the monogenetic volcanoes in the late period.

Spatial variation of magma composition shows that relatively primitive basaltic magma erupted in the east area of the AMVG, whereas, silicic magma erupted in the west area. The relatively primitive magma has features of extraordinary high Cr content (>120 ppm) and Ni content (>300 ppm), low FeO*/MgO (<=1.1). The silicic magma (SiO2 <=60 wt%) has features of high Sr content (>600 ppm), low Y content (<= 18 ppm), and low Nb content (<16 ppm). It contains smaller amount of REE than basaltic magma, suggesting that these magmas are originated from different magma source. The chemical composition of volcanoes in the middle area can be explained by mixing of these two end members: the composition gradually changes from east (basaltic) to west (silicic).

These results suggest that magma evolution of volcanic fields is also complicated as that of stratovolcanoes. Further investigation of magma evolution at volcanic fields including the AMVG is required to understand the entire mechanism.