2:20 PM - 2:45 PM
[U12-01] Recommendation “To deepen and to promote Open Science in Japan”
★Invited Papers
“The Fourth Paradigm” published 2009 which proposed Data-Intensive Scientific Discovery,
or data-driven science, is followed by the US White Houseʼs bigdata initiative statement, and
Japanʼs proposal of Society 5.0. The indispensable importance of Dataʼs role in those pictures
also coincides with data as fuel of Artificial Intelligence software system. This Committee to
Deepen and Promote Open Science of Science Council of Japan has an objective to give
comprehensive multi-viewpoints on data, so as to promote research data sharing (RDS) as
well as to clarify the importance of a platform for the envisioned data sharing practices.
(1) Rule making in the data-centric era
(2) Construction of the Data Platform
(3) Archive repository on various data and research material
or data-driven science, is followed by the US White Houseʼs bigdata initiative statement, and
Japanʼs proposal of Society 5.0. The indispensable importance of Dataʼs role in those pictures
also coincides with data as fuel of Artificial Intelligence software system. This Committee to
Deepen and Promote Open Science of Science Council of Japan has an objective to give
comprehensive multi-viewpoints on data, so as to promote research data sharing (RDS) as
well as to clarify the importance of a platform for the envisioned data sharing practices.
(1) Rule making in the data-centric era
(2) Construction of the Data Platform
(3) Archive repository on various data and research material