Exhibitors' information
Arctic Challenge for Sustainability II
ArCS II is a project that aims to promote advanced and interdisciplinary research on the Arctic, aiming for the social implementation of the results. In this exhibition, you can enjoy a variety of contents about the Arctic and Arctic research through hands-on experience.
What is the Arctic?
The Arctic region is where the impact of global warming is most evident. Although the Arctic is far away from Japan, its environmental changes are actually having a significant impact on Japan as well. We will introduce what the arctic environment is and what changes are occurring there, along with research activities in Japan.
What is ArCS II ?
Under four Strategic Goals, 11 Research Programs – including natural sciences, engineering, humanities, and social sciences – collaborate each other on ArCS II project.
Click here to know more about ArCS II.
Click here if you want to explore Activity Map of ArCS II Project WEB version
Challengers of Arctic Research
Arctic research encompasses not only natural sciences but also humanities and social sciences, and researchers are active in a wide range of fields. Here we introduce you to the researchers working in the field of Arctic research.
Click following links to know about the results of ArCS II
In Japan, there are many research institutes conducting Arctic research, including the National Institute of Polar Research, JAMSTEC, and Hokkaido University. Here we introduce some of the major research institutions participating in ArCS II.※Please enable and use Google My Maps.
Early Career Researchers talking about Arctic Research!
ArCS II is providing the "Overseas Fellowship Program" to support young researchers who are interested in Arctic research at overseas institutes. Here are some interviews with past participants.
Click here to watch other interviews.
Applications for the 2nd Overseas Visit Program for Young Talent in FY2022 will open in mid-June. For more information, please click here.
I want to know more! About the Arctic
How is the environment in the Arctic changing? Use Dagik Earth, a digital globe, to see the sea ice extent, sea surface temperature, snow depth, changes in surface temperature and black carbon concentration, and projected changes in temperature and sea ice. You can see what's happening not only in the Arctic, but also in other area of the world.
Click here to explore the Arctic with Dagik Earth
Here is the first report of the 2022 sea ice forecast released in May. The report forecasts the opening of the Arctic sea route and the distribution of sea ice until September, when the sea ice extent will be at its minimum.
Click here to learn more about Arctic sea ice.
In the future, ArCS II plans to conduct a variety of education and outreach activities.
Click here if you want to know more about education and outreach activities of ArCS II.
Arctic Advisory Room
If you have any questions about the Arctic, Arctic research, or this exhibit, please feel free to contact us using the form below.
JpGU2022 Arctic Advisory Room-
National Institute of Polar Research, The Arctic Environment Research Center
10-3, Midoricho, Tachikawa, Tokyo -
Web site, SNS