Japan Geoscience Union 2022
JpGU is a large organization with about 10,000 members and 51 scientific associations related to Earth and Planetary Sciences
Paleo Lab conducts scientific analysis of artifacts and sediment samples obtained from archaeological sites. Our company handles everything from boring core drilling and sampl...
Earth and Planetary Science covers various fields: solid Earth, atmosphere and ocean, surface environments including biosphere, planets and minor objects in the solar system, and space beyond the s...
◆Overview of our scientific group
The Grant-in-Aid for Science Research Project [Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Area (A)] entitled “Science of Slow-to-Fast earthquakes” is th...
ArCS II is a project that aims to promote advanced and interdisciplinary research on the Arctic, aiming for the social implementation of the results. In this exhibition, you can enjoy a variety of ...
Hiroshima Institute of Plate Convergence Region Research (HiPeR) is a research center that has been certified as “Centers of Excellence” in Hiroshima University. The staff of the Depart...
◆Providing leading-edge tools
Oxford Instruments NanoAnalysis provides leading-edge tools that enable materials characterisation and sample manipulation at the nanometre scale. Used on ele...