15:30 〜 15:45
*広瀬 正史1 (1.名城大学)
[E] 口頭発表
セッション記号 A (大気水圏科学) » A-AS 大気科学・気象学・大気環境
2022年5月23日(月) 15:30 〜 17:00 101 (幕張メッセ国際会議場)
コンビーナ:徹 寺尾(香川大学教育学部)、コンビーナ:鼎 信次郎(東京工業大学 環境・社会理工学院)、松本 淳(首都大学東京大学院都市環境科学研究科地理環境学域)、座長:広瀬 正史(名城大学)
Asian monsoon system consists of variablities in wide range of scales ranging from diurnal to decadal. The diurnal variability is common in Asian region which is related with the surface heating due to insolation. Various types of meso-scale to synoptic disturbances such as meso-scale convective systems, monsoon depressions and tropical cyclones account for major part of the precipitation in this region. Intraseasonal variations themselves have multiple time scales such as quasi bi-weekly oscillatiion (QBW) and the boreal summer intraseasonal oscillation (BSISO). We have diverse types of seasonalities in different regions in Asia. Interannual variabilities, such as ENSO-monsoon and climate projections, are another intrinsic time scales of Asian monsoon that attract researchers.
These variabilities with specific spatio-temporal scales have mechanisms that are distinct from other types of variabilities. Our first target is to clarify the mechanisms of these specific variabilities. On the other hand, these multiple scale variabilities have strong interactions with each other. For example, diurnal variability interacts with all other variabilities with longer time scales. It has been shown that intraseasonal variabilities of precipitation highly depend on modulation of the activity of synoptic disturbances.
Especially variabilities with time scales longer than weeks have strong interaction with boundary conditions such as land surface, cryosphere, and ocean surface with 'memories' longer than weeks. Especially, highly non-linear land surface-convection coupling controls sub-seasonal to seasonal (S2S) monsoon variabilities and limits our predictability.
One of the focus of Asian precipitation experiment (AsiaPEX) is the multiple scale interaction in Asian monsoon system. We will exchange new development of studies on different time scales of variabilities and their interactions, and discuss on future development of our research activities.
15:30 〜 15:45
*広瀬 正史1 (1.名城大学)
15:45 〜 16:00
*Suyeon Moon1,2、Kyung-Ja Ha1,2,3 (1.Department of Climate System, Pusan National University, Busan, South Korea、2.Center for Climate Physics, Institute for Basic Science, Busan, South Korea、3.BK21 School of Earth and Environmental Systems, Pusan National University, Busan, South Korea)
16:00 〜 16:15
*高橋 洋1、Sugimoto Shiori2、佐藤 友徳3 (1.東京都立大学大学院 地理環境学域、2.海洋研究開発機構、3.北海道大学)
16:15 〜 16:30
16:30 〜 16:45
*藤波 初木1、平田 英隆3、藤田 耕史2、金森 大成1、佐藤 洋太2、加藤 雅也1、Rijan Kayastha4 (1.名古屋大学宇宙地球環境研究所、2.名古屋大学環境学研究科、3.立正大学データサイエンス学部、4.カトマンズ大学)
16:45 〜 17:00
*木口 雅司1、白川 博章2、Suanpaga Weerakaset3、手計 太一4、Ritphring Sompratana3、沖 大幹1、Kiatiwat Thanya3 (1.東京大学、2.名古屋大学、3.カセサート大学、4.中央大学)