Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2022

Session information

[E] Oral

M (Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary) » M-IS Intersection

[M-IS02] Evolution and variability of the Asian Monsoon and Indo-Pacific climate during the Cenozoic Era

Mon. May 23, 2022 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM 304 (International Conference Hall, Makuhari Messe)

convener:Takuya Sagawa(Institute of Science and Engineering, Kanazawa University), convener:Kenji Matsuzaki(Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The university of Tokyo), Chairperson:Kenji Matsuzaki(Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The university of Tokyo), Takuya Sagawa(Institute of Science and Engineering, Kanazawa University)

The Asian Monsoon (AM) is an inter-hemispheric atmospheric system driven by the thermal contrast between ocean and land and has a significant impact on the global climate. The uplift of Himalaya and Tibetan Plateau (HTP) has been considered to have played a significant role in the establishment and intensification of the Asian monsoon, but its importance is still controversial. On the other hand, a comparison of AM evolution process with global climatic changes suggests that AM evolution during Cenozoic is significantly affected by global climate changes most likely through pCO2. In addition, Indo-Pacific oceanic climate condition is also essential for the land-ocean thermal contrast as well as water vapor circulation because these areas have the largest heat content in the world ocean and supply heat and moisture to the atmosphere.
In this session, we promote understanding of AM and Indo-Pacific climate evolution, variability at multiple time scales (millennial to tectonic time scale) as well as their controlling factors, and their interaction with the global climate system. Presentations from various archives such as piston cores, DSDP/ODP/IODP cores as well as land sections relying on a wide panel of paleoenvironmental proxy are welcome (e.g. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Sedimentology, Micropaleontology as well as modeling studies). We also welcome presentations from older time periods such as Mesozoic and Paleozoic for a better understanding of the evolution of the monsoon system during the Phanerozoic.

Introduction (10:45 AM - 10:50 AM)

11:45 AM - 12:00 PM

*Evan James Gowan1, Tomohiko Tomita1, Daiki Nishioka1, Xu Zhang2, Yong Sun3, Uta Krebs-Kanzow4, Gregor Knorr4 (1.Kumamoto University, Kumamoto, Japan, 2.State Key Laboratory of Tibetan Plateau Earth System, Resources and Environment (TPESRE), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Beijing, China, 3.Key Laboratory of Continental Collision and Plateau Uplift, Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, 4.Alfred Wegener Institute, Bremerhaven, Germany)

12:00 PM - 12:15 PM

*Maria Makarova1, Mahyar Mohtadi2, Raul Tapia1, Jeroen Groeneveld2,3, A. Nele Meckler4, Kuo-Fang Huang5, Sze Ling Ho1 (1.Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, 2.MARUM-Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen, Germany, 3.Department of Earth Sciences, Hamburg University, Germany, 4.Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research and Department of Earth Science, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway, 5.Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan)



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