09:25 〜 09:45
[ACG33-02] Progress in the satellite-based surface flux and air-sea interaction studies over the mid-latitude oceans
★Invited Papers
Surface flux binds the ocean and the atmosphere. The knowledge is indispensable in the research on the complex air-sea interaction. The advances of ocean remote sensing have promoted the progress of air-sea interaction studies. Especially, the development of microwave satellites which can observe sea surface temperature and surface winds have a significant contribution. In particular, it makes a great contribution to the understanding of air-sea interaction phenomena over the mid-latitude ocean, where various spatio-temporal scale phenomena are mixed. These motivate to estimate the surface fluxes by further developing such microwave satellite remote sensing technology and its advanced utilization method. The research project "J-OFURO" on satellite-based air-sea flux estimation mainly using microwave satellites has been promoted for 20 years. In this presentation, the brief overview of research on surface heat flux estimation. The relationship with atmospheric-ocean interaction research are highlighted. In particular, the relationship with the several key themes of mid-latitude air-sea interaction studies will be focused on.