12:00 PM - 12:15 PM
[ACG34-12] Northern midlatitude summer warming pattern tied to Pacific and Atlantic multidecadal variability
★Invited Papers
Keywords:multidecadal variability, Pacific decadal oscillation, atlantic multidecadal variability
The amplitude of the observed trend in both surface air temperature and the upper-level geopotential height generally falls beyond the range of multidecadal trends simulated by the CMIP6 preindustrial control runs, supporting the likelihood that anthropogenic forcing played a critical role in the observed trend. On the other hand, the fidelity of the simulated low-frequency modes of variability and their teleconnections, especially on multidecadal timescales, is difficult to assess because of the relatively short observational records. Our mechanistic modeling results indicate that synoptic eddy-mean flow interaction is a key to the formation of the anomalous wavetrain but how the multidecadal modes can modulate the synoptic eddies through atmosphere-ocean and atmosphere-land interactions remains poorly understood. This gap in our knowledge makes it challenging to quantify the roles of the low-frequency modes and external forcings in causing the observed multidecadal trends.