Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2022

Presentation information

[J] Poster

A (Atmospheric and Hydrospheric Sciences ) » A-CG Complex & General

[A-CG43] Science in the Arctic Region

Sun. May 29, 2022 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM Online Poster Zoom Room (11) (Ch.11)

convener:Jun Ono(JAMSTEC Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology), convener:Tomoki Morozumi(Research Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University), Rigen Shimada(Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency), convener:Masatake Hori(University of Tokyo, Atmosphere Ocean Research Institute), Chairperson:Jun Ono(Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology)

11:00 AM - 1:00 PM

[ACG43-P09] Interannual changes of settling particle flux in shelf-slope area of the western Arctic Ocean from 2010 to 2021

*Jonaotaro Onodera1, EIJI WATANABE1, Kohei Mizobata2, Miaki Muramatsu1, Motoyo Itoh1, Yuichiro Tanaka3, Eun-Jin Yang4, Naomi Harada1 (1.Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, 2.Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, 3.National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, 4.Korea Polar Research Institute)

In the changing environments of the Arctic Ocean, the dynamics of upper ocean circulation around shelf-slope areas affect lower-trophic marine ecosystem and basin-shelf interaction such as transportation of materials. To observe the relationships between particle transportation and oceanographic condition, multi-year observation of setting particles have been conducted by the deployment of bottom-tethered moorings with time-series sediment trap in the southern Northwind Abyssal Plain (2010-2014, 2018-2021), northern Hanna Canyon (2015-2017), and north of the Barrow Canyon (2015-2019). The collected particles by sediment trap are mainly composed of lithogenic matter with silt grain size in addition to biogenic matter, suggesting advection of re-suspended particles from shelf to basin. The setting particle flux in this study showed maxima in not only the productive summer season but also physical oceanographic events like the passing of oceanic eddies over the mooring position area. In an interannual comparison of obtained results from 2010 to 2021, total mass flux shows a recent increase in the southern Northwind Abyssal Plain. In a large sense, the recent increase of setting particles probably reflects the interannual position shift of oceanic Beaufort Gyre to the southeast (shelf side) and the intensification of westward shelf-slope current along the shelf edge of Chukchi Sea.