Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2022

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[J] Poster

A (Atmospheric and Hydrospheric Sciences ) » A-OS Ocean Sciences & Ocean Environment

[A-OS21] Global ocean observation networks: Current status, results, re-assessments, and future perspectives

Wed. Jun 1, 2022 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM Online Poster Zoom Room (10) (Ch.10)

convener:Shigeki Hosoda(JAMSTEC), convener:Shuhei Masuda(Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology), Yosuke Fujii(Meteorological Research Institute, Japan Meteorological Agency), convener:Fujiki Tetsuichi(Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology), Chairperson:Shigeki Hosoda(JAMSTEC)

11:00 AM - 1:00 PM

[AOS21-P05] Toward the next generation integrated global ocean observing system: Developing multiple observing platforms

*Shigeki Hosoda1, Ryuichiro Inoue1, Masayuki Obayashi1, Yoshimi Kawai1 (1.JAMSTEC)

Keywords:OneArgo, Ocean mixing, Ocean observing system, Seismic float

In the Argo program, the Argo observing array named Core Argo has been almost covered in the global ocean and is maintained stably in cooperation with many countries, providing a large amount of data continuously and contributing to provide lots of results. Then, the BGC and Deep Argo floats, which are applied to biogeochemical variables and physical measurements below the depths of 2000 m, are being developed with technological innovations. Although these two Argo arrays are still mainly pilot observations, the OneArgo concept is underway to integrate them and efficiently complement the Core Argo observing array.
The integration of these data quality control procedures is also progressing. OneArgo was selected as a project of the UN Decade Ocean last year and is expected to make cross-sectoral contributions to a variety of fields and develop into the core of the autonomous ocean observing system.
Once OneArgo's global ocean observation system is completed and the numerical models are improved based on the results, will ocean observation itself become unnecessary? It is difficult to answer that question at this point. However, we believe that ocean observation will continue to be an essential element of research and applications in other fields, and we are considering testing various developmental applications as the next-generation ocean observing system. For example, we are developing the ArgoMIX, a global turbulence Argo observation network, which was introduced at the Argo Science workshop held in 2018 in Tokyo. This network is planned to deploy floats equipped with turbulence measurement sensors to simultaneously measure physical fields and BGC parameters in order to understand and monitor the relationship between water mass transformation, modification, and circulation changes during mixing processes. In this year, we are planning to conduct a practical test with a small and lightweight float equipped with a turbulence sensor. We also plan to test a hydrophone equipped deep-sea float as part of the construction of an oceanic seismic network to improve the accuracy of tsunami detection and early warning for earthquakes. This is intended for simultaneous observation with Argo-type observation by installing CTD sensor on Mermaid float, which is currently the only proven acoustic float for detecting seismic waves in seawater. In addition, we are planning to conduct a pilot observation to understand the characteristics of variability in the surface to deeper layers by constructing an observation system that combines various integrated observation platforms, synchronizing mooring system observations with BGC sensors and Argo float observations.
The goal of these efforts is to solve these problems and put them on an operational basis while collaborating with Argo, other platforms, and the observation fields.