Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2022

Presentation information

[E] Oral

H (Human Geosciences ) » H-CG Complex & General

[H-CG22] International meeting of landscape appreciation and recreational evaluation

Mon. May 23, 2022 1:45 PM - 3:15 PM 106 (International Conference Hall, Makuhari Messe)

convener:yoji aoki(Open University of Japan), convener:Norimasa TAKAYAMA(Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute), Liu Ming(Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo), Chairperson:Liu Ming(Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo)

3:00 PM - 3:15 PM

[HCG22-05] Japanese landscapes by westerners arrived until Meiji Restoration

*yoji aoki1, Hitoshi Fujita2 (1.National Institute for Environmental Studies, 2.Aomori University)

Keywords:landscape appreciation, westerners, until Meiji restoration

Period until the Meiji Restoration
This report listed and summarized the descriptions of Western visitors about "Fukei" of Japan since the first arrival on Tanegashima Island in 1549. After the opening of the country, the politics of Japanese society has become unstable and the society has become dangerous. However, the number of people visiting Japan has increased in addition to diplomats. They are Missionaries, engineers, scholars, merchants, etc. They found that the charm of Japanese landscape was formed by the various types of plants.
Margaret T.K. Ballagh
She appreciated her landscape near Kanagawa where she stayed and noted that she enjoyed it very much. She teaches that the fact that Protestants evaluate people's lives visually, rather than just the Bible, means that landscape evaluation is more of an individual's knowledge and taste than faith. She described the Japanese as an amateur landscaper and her good taste. She writes that the Japanese have a human appeal because of the good natural conditions in which they grew up.
Raphael Pumpelly
He wrote evaluations of landscapes in Edo, Kamakura, Hachioji, Enoshima, South Hokkaido, Nagasaki, etc. He notes the abundance of Japanese vegetation and confirms that Ezo is a species close to Northeastern America. He especially liked the landscape of southern Hokkaido, which has species close to his hometown. He appreciated the conical mountains and the landscape of the savanna by Kumazasa. He also evaluated the terraced fields and rape field.
Thomas Wright Brakiston
He investigated almost the entire fringe of Hokkaido and enjoyed the diverse and beautiful scenery. He especially described the splendor of the autumn colors in Hokkaido. Although he is a biologist, he does not seem to be very familiar with plants, and is a description of plant species that is no different from ordinary travelers. He seems to be familiar with animals, but he teaches that zoologists do not ignore landscapes. He showed that the evaluation of the landscape arises from intellectual interest, not from individual knowledge.
Earnest Mason Satow
His description is accurate with many descriptions of plants. He has many descriptions of plants before 1879. Since 1880 he has been impressed with the mountain scenery. Although the identification of his species is unclear because he is not a botanist, he sent his son Hisayoshi Takeda to Japan as a botanist. As a result, Japanese plant research has become comparable to foreign countries. The scenery of Japan that he loved is almost gone now. He was the one who enjoyed the detailed and varied landscape of Japan by the most suitable means of walking.
Aime Humbert
He appreciates the scenery of dawn and green leaves and says that the view of Mt. Atago is spectacular. He describes the streets of Asakusa as beautiful.
Heinrich Schliemann
His description especially evaluates the gentle undulations near Hachioji. He finds Western architecture and gardens beautiful in Yokohama.
V. F. Arminjon
He appreciates the scenery of dawn and green leaves and says that the view of Mt. Atago is spectacular. He describes the streets of Asakusa as beautiful.
Edward Suenson
He appreciated the countryside near Yokohama and noted that it was caused by the growing plants. He wrote about the Japanese belief in giant trees and that he was an extreme worshiper of nature. He described the canals in Osaka as beautiful.
He was assessing the terrain of the volcano. He especially admired Isotei and tropical plants. He also described him as quaint with the pine-filled Katsura River (Arashiyama).
Comte de Ludovic Beauvoir
He praised the beautiful rural landscape around Yokohama and Edo. He praised the beauty of Japan's fresh greenery. He praised the teahouses and paths here and there, the meandering streams and tree-lined avenues, and the Japanese sensitivity to nature. It is an evaluation of the true Japanese landscape of travelers who have traveled around the world.