

[J] ポスター発表

セッション記号 H (地球人間圏科学) » H-RE 応用地質学・資源エネルギー利用

[H-RE13] 資源地質学

2022年6月2日(木) 11:00 〜 13:00 オンラインポスターZoom会場 (16) (Ch.16)

コンビーナ:大竹 翼(北海道大学大学院工学研究院 環境循環システム部門)、コンビーナ:実松 健造(国立研究開発法人 産業技術総合研究所 地圏資源環境研究部門 鉱物資源研究グループ)、高橋 亮平(秋田大学大学院国際資源学研究科)、コンビーナ:野崎 達生(国立研究開発法人 海洋研究開発機構 海洋機能利用部門 海底資源センター)、座長:大竹 翼(北海道大学大学院工学研究院 環境循環システム部門)

11:00 〜 13:00

[HRE13-P03] Geology, mineralization and carbonate-rich potassic alteration at the Humpa Leu East porphyry Cu-Au prospect, Hu'u district, Sumbawa Island, Indonesia

*Fadlin Fadlin1,2Ryohei Takahashi1Andrea Agangi1Pearlyn Manalo1、Hinako Sato1、Arifudin Idrus3、Bronto Sutopo4、Rachmat Pratiwinda5 (1.Akita University、2.Study Program of Geological Engineering, Jenderal Soedirman University (Indonesia)、3.Department of Geological Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada (Indonesia)、4.PT. Antam, Tbk (Indonesia)、5.PT. Sumbawa Timur Mining (Indonesia))

キーワード:HLE porphyry Cu-Au, mineralization, carbonate-rich potassic alteration, Sumbawa Island, Indonesia

The Humpa Leu East (HLE) prospect is one of the newly discovered porphyry Cu-Au prospects in the Hu'u district, Sumbawa Island, Indonesia. The deposit formed in an active continental margin with a calc-alkaline magma affinity. The HLE porphyry Cu-Au prospect is characterized by typical multiphase porphyry intrusion associated with hypogene mineralization. It is hosted by andesitic and crystalline tuff, volcanic breccia, andesite lava and diorite intrusions. The causative intrusions include diorite and diorite quartz. Five hydrothermal alteration types are identified at the surface: potassic, propylitic, advanced argillic, intermediate argillic, and argillic. The presence of a carbonate-rich potassic alteration in this deposit, indicative of CO2-rich fluids, is uncommon in porphyry Cu-Au systems. This study revealed that the mineralization stages of the HLE can be divided into early, intermediate, and late stages. The early-stage is associated with M (magnetite ± bornite ± chalcopyrite), A (quartz + magnetite), and AB (quartz + magnetite + chalcopyrite ± pyrite) veins. These veins mainly formed in the potassic alteration zone. The intermediate stage is characterized by B (quartz + chalcopyrite+ pyrite) and C (chalcopyrite ± pyrite) veins, which mostly occur in the chlorite-sericite and sericite zones. The late stage is mostly associated with D (calcite + gypsum + quartz + pyrite ± chalcopyrite ± sphalerite ± galena) veins with a sericite-chlorite halo. Two styles of mineralization have been identified in the HLE prospect: quartz-sulfide veins and disseminated sulfides. Petrography and electron microprobe analysis identified that the carbonate replaced Ca-rich plagioclase in potassic alteration zone. Fluid inclusion petrography and Raman spectroscopy confirmed the presence of monophase vapor inclusions in quartz containing CO2 and CO3. Biphase (V+L) and multiphase (V+L+S) fluid inclusions in quartz also contain CO2 in the vapor phase. We consider that the carbonate was mainly formed by the reaction between Ca2+ from Ca-rich plagioclase and CO2-rich magmatic fluids.