Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2022

Presentation information

[E] Poster

M (Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary) » M-IS Intersection

[M-IS01] Environmental, Socio-Economic and Climatic Changes in Northern Eurasia

Fri. Jun 3, 2022 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM Online Poster Zoom Room (27) (Ch.27)

convener:Pavel Groisman(NC State University Research Scholar at NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information, Asheville, North Carolina, USA), convener:Shamil Maksyutov(National Institute for Environmental Studies), Dmitry A Streletskiy(George Washington University), convener:Elena Kukavskaya(V.N. Sukachev Institute of Forest of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences - separate subdivision of the FRC KSC SB RAS), Chairperson:Akiyo Yatagai(Hirosaki University), Shamil Maksyutov(National Institute for Environmental Studies), Elena Kukavskaya(V.N. Sukachev Institute of Forest of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences - separate subdivision of the FRC KSC SB RAS)

11:00 AM - 1:00 PM

[MIS01-P10] Local atmospheric response to land–sea thermal contrast in an AGCM

*Nobumasa Komori1, Akira Yamazaki1, Akira Kuwano-Yoshida2 (1.Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, 2.Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University)

Keywords:land–sea thermal contrast, precipitation, surface-wind convergence

The mechanism of confined precipitation along the coast around the Black and Caspian Seas is numerically investigated with an atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM). By using an appropriate depth of slab model for inland seas instead of a thin and uniform one, the climatological annual cycle of surface temperature is realistically reproduced. It is found that raised surface temperature in winter increases surface wind speed over the seas via the enhanced vertical mixing, and the surface-wind convergence and associated upward wind is strengthened along the downwind rim of the seas, which enhances precipitation along the coast. The opposite mechanism works in summer, which suppresses precipitation there.