Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2022

Presentation information

[J] Oral

O (Public ) » Public

[O-02] Understanding of geology and interaction between the earth, nature and culture through the Geoparks (Oral Invited Lecture)

Sun. May 22, 2022 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM 302 (International Conference Hall, Makuhari Messe)

convener:Noritaka Matsubara(Graduate School of Regional Resource Management, University of Hyogo), convener:Hikaru Yokoyama(Hokusho University), Suzuka Koriyama(Itoigawa city), convener:Kyohei Sano(Graduate School of Regional Resource Management, University of Hyogo), Chairperson:Suzuka Koriyama(Itoigawa city), Jun Nagao(Mt.Kurikoma Area Geopark Promotion Committee), Azusa Tonotani(Geopark Promotion office in Miyoshi city), Takumi Sakakiyama(Shikoku Seiyo Geopark Promotion Council)

10:45 AM - 11:15 AM

[O02-01] The reasons why I am passionate about active volcanoes and its start.

★Invited Papers

*Yuhyang Kim1 (1.Bandaisan National Geopark)

Keywords:Volcanoes, Geoparks, Mountaineering

Before I started my new carrier as a member of Bandaisan Geopark since 2021, I was literally an amateur regarding to the geoscience, volcanoes, and geoparks, etc. However, since I have started relating with Bandaisan Geopark, I have had great opportunities to comprehend slowly but correctly about geoscience, geology, and specially volcanoes, which became my new passion.
There are many reasons why I am now passionate about specially volcanoes, and I am here to share those reasons.